

To foster entrepreneurship thinking and innovative action via cutting edge entrepreneurship research

  • Venture creation and SME management
  • Ethics and women entrepreneurship
  • Corporate entrepreneurship
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Technopreneurship
  • Family enterprising
Leader: Prof. Dr. Noor Hazlina Ahmad

Selected Recent and On-going Research Projects:

  1. Manoeuvring Innovation Performance in Adversity among SMEs: Adopting the Entrepreneurial Bricolage Paradigm . Hasliza Abd Halim. FRGS Grant - RM53,000.
  2. Developing Future-Ready Business Model Innovation for Malaysian SMEs in Industry 4.0: Transcending Digital Disruption for Sustainable SMEs Competitiveness. Noor Hazlina Ahmad. FRGS Grant – RM63,000.
  3. Doing Well by Doing Good: An Entrepreneurial Bricolage Approach Towards Sustainable Entrepreneuship Paradigm Among Malaysian SMEs. Noor Hazlina Ahmad . RUI Grant – RM99,400.
  4. Enablers and Inhibitors Impacting Young Technopreneurial Ventures' Agility and Competitiveness in Malaysia. Noor Hazlina Ahmad. MTDC Grant – RM77,400.
  5. The Driving Factors and The Impact Of Readiness For IR4.0 Among Manufacturing SMES In Malaysia. Sabai Khin. MTDC Grant – RM44,550.
  • Hits: 11887

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: som@usm.my