
School of Management (SOM) was established in 1989 but management studies have long been offered in USM since the era of School of Social Sciences in the 70's. SOM has a very good reputation in terms of academic and research performances in this area, including achieving high QS rankings in Social Sciences & Management field over the last few years. In fact, since 2013, with an average of 50 plus faculty members, SOM has managed to produce about 500 articles in cited journals where 30% of them are in ISI journals and more than 10% are top rated Q1-Q2 journals in Journal Citation Report (JCR). Most of our faculty members are also actively engaged in supervision, consultation and international networking. Leveraging on our faculty members' scholarly reputation, our offshore PhD program is a new collaborative program that mainly caters for any academic institutions that wish to upgrade their staff in terms of high level research and publication.

The offshore PhD Program has a guided structure. A group of candidates from the same institution will enroll together, and will benefit from our additional package of offshore modules, hence minimizing their residential time in Malaysia. Each student will have a site supervisor at the partnering institutions to ensure effective and efficient research supervision.
The program is offered via institutional basis with collaborative institution partners. Currently our partners include Universitas Indonesia of Indonesia, and Minjiang University of China. For further inquiry, please contact the Dean's office.

The Offshore PhD Program is a four year program which includes the following:

Module: Seminar Papers (choose one)

  • Management
  • Accounting

Module: Compulsory courses

  • Writing a Research Proposal
  • Research Methodology

Module: Research Tools (choose two)

  • Qualitative Method Research
  • Quantitative Method Research
  • Mixed Method Research
  • Econometrics

SOM Offshore PhD Program Brochure 1 2020

SOM Offshore PhD Program Brochure 2

  • Hits: 9535

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
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