• The Master of Professional Management (MPM) offers an academically rigorous and professionally relevant program of study in contemporary management practices. The programme is tailor-made to equip students with requisite management and leadership skills that will promote their professional growth and career advancement. With an MPM, students are armed with the knowledge to help prepare them for managerial and leadership roles in their fields. MPM is also offered as Online Distance Learning mode (ODL). MPM ODL is 100% online both lectures and assessments. This program is suitable for fresh graduates who plan to pursue a career in the business analyst industry and working adults who those seeking career advancement or change.


    • Full-time: Mininum 2 semesters / Maximum 4 semesters
    • Part-time: Mininum 4 semesters / Maximum 8 semesters


    • April & October


    Applicants should possess the following:

    A. Bachelor's degree in Management, or any other related and recognized degree; or

    1. CGPA of at least 2.75 / 4.00; or

    2. CGPA between 2.50 - 2.74 with the following additional conditions: or

    a) Research experience for at least one year; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least one year; or
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project

    3. CGPA between 2.00 - 2.49 (Bachelor's Degree with Honours) with the following additional conditions: or

    a) Research experience for at least five (5) years; or
    b) Work experience in related field for at least five (5) years; AND
    c) At least one (1) academic publication in the relevant field; or
    d) Grade B for major / elective courses; or
    e) Grade B+ for final year project

    B. APEL A (Level 7)


    Only 10 Unique Subjects
    Amazed the World with Your Professional Management Skills



    Core Courses (Compulsory)

    • AOW501 Management for Professionals
    • AOW 502 Accounting & Finance for Professionals
    • AOW503 Leadership Dynamics in Digital Era
    • AOW504 Strategic Management
    • AOW505 Organisational Development and Change
    • AOW506 Research Method

    Electives (Choose any THREE (3) courses)

    • AOP508 Business Analytics for Professionals
    • AOP509 Enterprise Risk Management
    • AOP510 Economics for Professionals
    • AOP511 Negotiation Dynamics
    • AOP515 Safety and Health Practices
    • AOP512 Talent Management
    • AOP513 Client Centricity
    • AOP514 Taxation
    • AOP516 Professional Ethics

    Project (Compulsory)

    • AOW507 Field Based Project


    Core Courses (Compulsory)

    • AOW501D Management for Professionals
    • AOW 502D Accounting & Finance for Professionals
    • AOW503D Leadership Dynamics in Digital Era
    • AOW504D Strategic Management
    • AOW505D Organisational Development and Change
    • AOW506D Research Method

    Electives (Choose any THREE (3) courses)

    • AOP508D Business Analytics for Professionals
    • AOP509D Enterprise Risk Management
    • AOP510D Economics for Professionals
    • AOP511D Negotiation Dynamics
    • AOP515D Safety and Health Practices
    • AOP512D Talent Management
    • AOP513D Client Centricity
    • AOP514D Taxation
    • AOP516D Professional Ethics

    Project (Compulsory)

    • AOW507D Field Based Project
  • Synopsis of Courses

    The followings are brief overviews of the courses:

    AOW501 Management for Professionals

    This course explains the functional and contemporary approaches to management through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. It introduces to the students the foundations of management and issues surrounding managing internal and external environment, building organisational structure to maintain agillity, mobilising talents and motivating workforce to achieve optimal performance.

    AOW 502 Accounting & Finance for Professionals

    This course will emphasise on the learning terminologies, methods and techniques that can be applied in real business situations. While computational competency is important, this course will lean more on the application of techniques, analyzing results obtained and making recommendations that go beyond cost and financial aspects.

    AOW503 Leadership Dynamics in Digital Era

    This course is designed to elaborate about the contemporary leadership skills which are critical in the value creation process of successfully bringing a new breed of firm. This course will explore the various dynamics of leadership and the dimensions of leadership that are relevant to the digital era.

    AOW504 Strategic Management

    This course concentrates on ways in formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategies. Strategic-management concepts and techniques are studied. Students will use the knowledge acquired from previous business courses, coupled with new strategic-management techniques learned, to chart the future direction of different organizations.

    AOW505 Organisational Development and Change

    This course enhances students' understanding of the areas of organizational development ranging from orientation to career development and organizational development and provides a clear understanding of the concepts, processes, and practices that form the basis of effective OD.

    AOW506 Research Method

    This course provides students with basic concepts and process of conducting a research including various research methods and designs. Students will acquire the knowledge and skillsets to undertake an original research with good ethical research practices.

    AOP508 Business Analytics for Professionals

    This course explains the scientific process of transforming data into insights for analytics-driven business decision making and make future prediction. It covers the methodologies, issues, and challenges related to analyzing business data. It prepares students to understand business analytics and become leaders in these areas. Students will learn to apply analytical tools, algorithms and methodologies to solve business problems. Students will also go deeper into advanced investigative and computational methods for developing their personal analytical skills and perspectives. Potential analytical tools will be used whenever applicable based on the simulated business examples.

    AOP509 Enterprise Risk Management

    This course discusses risk management from the perspective of non-financial corporations. The course examines various types of risks including market risks, credit risks and operational risks and risk-management. It ialso focuses on procedures in the context of the general framework of enterprise-wide risk management (ERM).

    AOP510 Economics for Professionals

    This course covers the basic economics principles to be applied by professionals in making sounds business decision, taking into account the microeconomics of demand and supply forces in transactions, theory of consumer and customer behavior, and the principle of production and cost analysis in supplying profesionals products and services

    AOP511 Negotiation Dynamics

    This course develops the negotiation style in a challenging, action-oriented, international environment to develop skills and strategies to negotiate. Students will be exposed to the understanding of negotiation dynamics, prepare for uncertainty, learn to craft agile strategy and be quick in changing circumstances and how to build the negotiation competency.

    AOP515 Safety and Health Practices

    This course is designed to enhance the understanding in regard to safety and health at workplace. It will expose about the fundamentals of health and safety, the acts related to Health and Safety at Work, and provides the understanding of study risk assessment and the working environment.

    AOP512 Talent Management

    The course explores key aspects of talent management from developing core competencies to the design and implementation of performance management systems that include identifying, evaluating and developing talent, to provide performance guidance for individuals and teams to encourage employee engagement. Experience-based learning is also practiced in providing exposure to students

    AOP513 Client Centricity

    This course focuses on the essential elements of customer services including conflict resolution, communication strategies, emotional intelligence and utilises strategies to build employee self-motivation to offer world-class service. Students will be exposed to the knowledge on the ways to approach customers, as well as to communicate effectively and confidently.

    AOP514 Taxation

    This course is designed to develop an understanding among candidates of the concepts and principles of personal, business and corporate income taxation, taxation of specialised entities, withholding taxes, etc. Besides these, legislation relating to real property gains tax and investment incentives will also be covered.

    AOP516 Professional Ethics

    This course provides the understanding of the ethical principles and the issues related to ethics among professionals. Part of professional ethics is the understanding of the ethics of other professions: and ethical behaviour. Students will also be exposed to the ethical decision-making and general professional conduct in comtemporary society

    AOW507 Field Based Project

    This course is designed for students to apply the research skills in business problems in the global business environment. The course provides opportunity to students to leverage techniques and methods analytics in analysing the business problems and recommend feasible business solution.



    How to apply for this program?
    You can visit IPS website or click at this link https://onlineips.usm.my/admission/

    I have received the offer. What should I do?
    Download the Registration Guideline from the application portal. Step by step instructions have been clearly stated for your reference.

    I am Malaysian and I want to complete the registration at IPS, can I do that?
    We provide online platform for you to complete the registration process. Please refer to the Registration Guidelines.

    I am an international student, my offer letter will expire soon. Can the validity period of my offer letter be extended?
    Yes, subject to the school approval. You can officially request to extend the offer letter validity period to us.

    How do I apply for Alumni Discount?
    You can apply through here.

    Can I register online if I have obtained the EMGS Approval Letter?
    Yes, it is allowed to do so. You can complete the registration and proceed with your class/research work. Please refer to the Registration Guidelines.

     When can I collect my smartcard after finishing my registration process?
    Your smartcard will be ready in 2 weeks after receiving your student confirmation of registration from IPS. Collection of smartcard is available after you are being allowed to enter the campus.

     How do I know that I have completed the registration?
    Confirmation email of registration will be sent to you and please ensure that your status in your Campus Online is ‘ACTIVE’.


    How can I apply for study postponement?
    Application can be made via Campus Online portal.

    A student can apply to postpone his/her studies for a period not exceeding one (1) year.

    The postponement is only allowed after registration and completion of at least one (1) semester except for medical or valid personal reasons. Apart from medical reasons, approval can also be given if a student has presented one seminar (if this regulation is stipulated in the entry requirement).


    How do I know the class schedule?
    You can see via this website, or you can also refer to your Campus Online

    How do I know the mode of my program?
    You can see refer to your Campus Online.


    How do I know the Teaching and Learning materials for CONVENTIONAL mode?
    You can see refer to your elearning portal at https://elearning.usm.my/sidang2425/ (Semester 241)

     https://elearning.usm.my/sidang2324/. [For Semester 231]

    How about if I were ODL students? Where can I get the Teaching and Learning materials?

    You can see refer to your elearning portal at odl.usm.my

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: som@usm.my