Islamic Finance

Islamic Finance major aims to expose students with the contemporary knowledge of Islamic Finance, which is necessary to face the fast-growing and ever-changing Islamic financial landscape. Various aspects of Islamic Finance will be given equal priority to ensure that this major can produce ethical, competitive, creative and knowledgeable leaders in Islamic Finance, who are able to integrate, strategize and strike a balance between performance of the Islamic institutions and social welfare.


  1. To explain and interpret the knowledge of Islamic Finance. 
  2. To apply and develop technical skills and practical expertise guided by the knowledge of Islamic Finance.
  3. To formulate and apply scientific thinking in conducting research in Islamic Finance.
  4. To conform Islamic ethical values and professional attitude in dealing with business strategy and decision making, particularly in the area of Islamic Finance.
  5. To demonstrate the leadership characteristics, management skills and creativity in innovating Shariah compliant products and business niche.

The Bachelor of Management (Islamic Finance ) is recognised by the Islamic Banking & Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM).


Career Prospects:

  • Banker
  • Takaful Financial Advisor
  • Islamic Equity Specialist
  • Regulation and Supervision
  • Research and Development
  • Analysis and Consultancy
  • Personal Finance
  • Wealth and Estate Planners
  • Hits: 8195

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: