Prof. Dr. Hasliza Abdul Halim

Profile Dr Hasliza 2


Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic Qualifications:

Ph.D (UM, Malaysia),
MBA (UPM, Malaysia),
BA (Hons)(Humberside, UK)


Room: 206
Phone: (+604) 653 5162
Fax:   (+604) 653 3130


HASLIZA ABDUL HALIM, Ph.D. is a senior lecturer at the School of Management, University Sains Malaysia. She joined the university after completing her PhD at the University of Malaya. She has been lecturing for many years on subjects such as HRM, Management, Strategic Management, Communication and others. Her PhD concentrated on utilizing and delivering the human resource activities through outsourcing. Besides, the roles of Business and HRM strategy were examined in detail to understand the management of human resources of the organizations in Malaysia. She is also experienced in the use of modeling and application of software such as AMOS and SPSS.  She currently serves as an editorial board member of the Asian Academy of Management Journal (AAMJ). She previously worked in corporate sectors and had been involved with various consultation programs which were related to human resource development, compensation, performance appraisal and other related matters. Currently at USM, she is also actively involved with consultation programs and served as a facilitator for community, entrepeneurial and leadership projects.

She has presented her research works at various international conferences including the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), HRM conference and Global Academy of Business and Economics Research. She has also published in high impact journals such as Journal of Business, Economics and Management, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Additionally she also published in various journals including Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, Singapore Mangement Reviews, Business Strategies Series, International Journal of Economics and Management and Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship and received a number of best paper awards. In addition, she received Gold Medal Award from Harvard Business School Alumni Club of Malaysia for her outstanding performance in her study.  Her research interests are in the areas of HRM, strategic management, organizational behaviour, strategic HRM, outsourcing, business and HRM strategies as well as organizational performance.


Research Area:

Strategic Management, Strategic HRM, and Outsourcing

Research Project:

On-going Research:

  1. Researcher - Innovative Culture As An Enabler : Bolstering Innovative Performance For Malaysian SMEs, December 2013 - November 2016.
  2. Co-Researcher - Managers' Perception on Green Information System (IS) Adoption and Environmental Performance In Malaysian SMEs : A Field Survey, December 2012 - December 2015.
  3. Co-Researcher - Creating An Entrepreneurial Ecosphere Within Higher Learning Institutions : Towards A Model of Entrepreneurial University, December 2012 - December 2014.
  4. Co-Research - Surfing Not Studying : Internet Addiction Is It A Disruptive And Emerging Clinical Phenomenon Among Undergraduates, July 2012 - July 2014.
  5. Researcher - Nurturing Pioneering Minds Towards Innovative - based Economy : Leveraging the Innovative Performance of Human Capital through Social Embeddedness and Pro-Innovativeness Organisational Architecture, June 2012 - May 2014.
  6. Researcher - Outsourcing And Its Impact On Organizational Performance : A Study Of Small And Medium Size Organizations, January 2011 - June 2014. 


Completed Research:

  1. Co researcher – Strategic Plan to transform the services of USM’s Development Department: PTJs and students perspective (March 2009).
  2. 2011 – 2013, Title: Outsourcing and Its Impact on Organizational Performance: A Study of Small and Medium-Sized Organizations.
  3. BJIM grant, November 2010 – October 2011, Title: Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindset: An Outreach Program for the Rural Communities.
  4. Short Term Grant, 15 Nov 2010 – 14 Nov 2012, Title: Intercultural Variations in Ethical and Socially Responsible Practices among SME Entrepreneurs in Malaysia
  5. Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (ERGS), 15 Aug 2011 – 14 Aug 2013, Title: Towards An Integrated Model of Silver Entrepreneurship Success: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Factors and the Ecosystem for Productive Aging
  6. Contract Research ,National Higher Education Research Institute, Malaysia. Project Title: Triple Helix (University-Industry- Government) in Innovation and Commercialisation”, December 2010 – November 2011.
  7. Co-Researcher - Towards An Integrated Model of Model of Silver Entrepreneurship Success : Exploring The Entreprenuerial Factors and The Ecosystem for Productive Aging, August 2011 - February 2014.
  8. Co-Researcher - An Intercultural Perspective of Ethical and Socially Responsible Practices Among SME Entrepreneurs in Malaysia, November 2011 - August 2013.

Selected Publications in Journals:

  1. Elaine Ee, Hasliza Abdul Halim and T. Ramayah (2012). HR outsourcing success: Does partnership quality variables matter? Journal of Business, Economics and Management – [ISI: Impact Factor 3.866] –(Forthcoming).
  2. Noor Hazlina Ahmad and Hasliza Abdul Halim (2012). A Cross-Cultural View of Strategic Competency: The Perspective of SME Entrepreneurs. Economia Seria Management. Vol 15, No 1 (Forthcoming).
  3. Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and T. Ramayah (2012). Unveiling the motivation to outsource among SMEs. Business Strategies Series (SCOPUS) – (forthcoming).
  4. Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Azlan Amran & Hasliza Abdul Halim (2012). Ethical and Socially Responsible Practices among SME Owner-Managers: A Multi-Ethnic Assessment. Journal of Southeast Asian Research, Vol. 2012, 1-9.
  5. Lee Hoon Tye, Hasliza Abdul Halim and T Ramayah (2011). An Exploratory Study on Cost of Quality Implementation in Malaysia: The Case of Penang Manufacturing Firms. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. [ISI: Impact factor 0.387], Vol. 22, No, 12, 1299-1315.
  6. Khairul Annuar Mohammad Shah and Hasliza Abdul Halim (2011). The Influence of Demographic Profiles on Consumer Animosity, Consumer Ethnocentrism and Patriotism. International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 3, No.10, 200-208
  7. Hasliza Abdul Halim and Norbani Che Ha (2011). Embarking on HR Outsourcing – Do Organizational Size and Maturity Level Matter? International Journal of Economics and Management – [SCOPUS] Vol 5, No.1, 19-37
  8. Hasliza Abdul Halim and Norbani Che-Ha (2011). Human Resource Outsourcing: Lesson from Multinational Enterprises. Economic, Business, Management, and Information System Journal. Vol 12, No. 1, 1-10
  9. Hasliza Abdul Halim and Norbani Che-Ha (2011). Exploring the Effects of Business Strategy on HR Outsourcing. Singapore Management Review (SCOPUS). Vol 33, No. 2, 42-57
  10. Hasliza Abdul Halim and Norbani Che Ha (2011). The Perspective of Malaysian Manufacturing Organizations on Strategy, HR Outsourcing and HR Costs. Economia Seria Management. Vol 14, No.1, 13-25.
  11. Yusliza Mohd Yusoff and Hasliza Abdul Halim (2010). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Validation and Psychometric Properties of the HR Roles for HR Managers in Malaysia. Social and Management Research Journal , Vol.7, No.2, 31-45.
  12. T. Ramayah, Lo May Chiun, Hasliza Abdul Halim and Nusrah Samat (2010). Does Market Orientation Lead to Higher Service Quality Provision and Performance? A study among Service Organizations in Northern Malaysia. International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management. [INDERSCIENCE] Vol 1, No 2, 180-196.
  13. T. Ramayah, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Hasliza Abdul Halim , Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal and  May-Chiun Lo (2010). Discriminant Analysis: An Illustrated Example, African Journal of Business Management, [SSCI Impact Factor: 1.105], Vol 4, No 9, pp.1654-1667.
  14. Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Hasliza Abdul Halim and Siti Rohaida Mohamed Zainal (2010). Is entrepreneurial competency the ‘silver bullet’ for SME success in a developing nation?. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Business Research [EBSCOHOST],Vol 2, No. 1, pp. 217-236
  15. Hasliza Abdul Halim and Norbani Che Ha (2010). The impact of HRM strategy on HR outsourcing. Jurnal Pengurusan-[SCOPUS] Vol. 30(July), pp.3-23.
  16. Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Hasliza Abdul Halim, T Ramayah and Syed Abidur Rahman. Revealing an Open Secret : Internal Challengesin creating Etrepreneurial University from the Lens of the Academics.
  17. Hasliza Abdul Halim, Hanirulizah Hanifah, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and T Ramayah. Scrutinizing the Impacts of Organisational Culture on Innovative Performance from the Lens of SMEs in Malaysia : A Conceptual Approach.
  18. T Ramayah, Khor Kuan Siew, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and Hasliza Abdul Halim. An Exploratory Study on Green IT Adoption Issues among SMEs.
  19. Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Theresa Ho, Hasliza Abdul Halim, and Azlan Amran. Creating Tangible Values : Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility among Malaysian SMEs.
  20. Hasliza Abdul Halim, Theresa CF Ho, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and T Ramayah. The Outsourcing Quandary on Decision to Outsource Among Small and Medium Entreprises in Malaysia.

Selected Publications in Books and Book Chapters:

  1. Innovative Human Capital as a Core Strategy Towards an Innovation-led economy : Malaysian Perspective (Chapter 14) Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and T Ramayah, International.
  2. Ethics and Integrity Issues ib SMEs Noor Hazlina Ahmad and Hasliza Abdul Halim.
  3. Manoeuvring the rough Commercial Lanscape Through Outsourcing : Repositioning Malaysian SMEs - Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and T Ramayah, International.
  4. Unlocking The Base of Pyramid Readiness : Towards An Inclusive Entrepreneurship Framework for Malaysian Rural Transformation Agenda - Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and T Ramayah, International.
  5. Case Application 2 : Leading the Skies "Air Asia in Management Text Book - Stephen P. Robbin and Mary Coutler, Hasliza Abdul Halim and Noor Haslina Ahmad, International.


  1. Joint Publication with Professor Alan Geare, University of Otago, New Zealand.
  2. Project on Triple Helix – Industry-University Linkage on Innovation and Linkages with Professor Chang Yuan Chieh,  Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan



  1. Best Paper Awards, Global Academy of Business and Economics Research International Conference, Bangkok, 2008 (International).
  2. Best Paper Awards, Best Work in Progress Paper/Outsourcing & Globalization, Academy of Global Business Advancement, Bahrain, 2008 (International).
  3. Best Paper Awards, Academy for Global Business Advancement, Bahrain, 2008 (International).
  4. Gold Medal Award, Harvard Business School Alumni Club of Malaysia for MBA, 2002.


  1. Asian Academy Journal of Management
  2. Member Asian Academy of Management


  • Hits: 25497

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
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