Dr. Lilis Surienty Abd. Talib


Dr Lilis


Position : Senior Lecturer

Academic Qualifications:

Ph.D in International Human Resource Management. (USM),
M.Sc. in Human Resource Mgmt. (Salford Univ., UK),
B.Sc. in Mgmt. Studies (Salford Univ., UK)


Room:  109
Phone:  (+604) 653 3368
Fax: (+604) 657 7448 / 5157
Email: lilis@usm.my


Associate Professor Dr Lilis Surienty has been a faculty member of the School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia since 2005. She is currently a supervisor to two doctoral candidates in the field of occupational safety and health. She has graduated seven (8) full research students and has published research works both locally and internationally. Her works have been featured in proceedings such as the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health, British Academy of Management, Academy of International Business and International Labour and Employment Relations Association and also journals such as the Journal of Occupational Safety and Health and Social Indicators Research. She has been an invited speaker for the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) OSH seminars. She has done numerous consultancy works for private companies and most recent is an award for commuting accident management programme (CAMP) from PERKESO. In the past, she has been engaged by KPM MARA to develop their teaching modules, a private firm for a market feasibility study for the first Syariah Compliance Hospital in Penang and with Motorola to identify their needs for Self-directed Work Teams (SWDT) for their lean production. Her expertise has also been consulted for Local Government projects in the Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) Programmes and in developing the State’s Childcare Policy toward community well-being and women active participation in the economy.

Research Area:

Occupational Safety and Health, Quality Work Life, and Cross-Cultural Management.

Research Project:

On-going Research:

  1. Validation of Safety Leadership Model within Malaysian Organisations with Department of Commerce, Mount Allison University. Canada - (until Dec 2018) as Co-researcher.
  2. Humanising Papermaking Practices: Substituting Nano and Micro Elements for Toxic Fillers and Consumer Acceptance of The Nature Compatibles Papers - RUI Grant, USM, (1st March 2017 - 29th February 2020) as Co-researcher.
  3. Compliance with Safety Practices among Medical Professionals: Exploring The Link between Organizational Safety Climate, and Safe Work Practices towards a Quality Healthcare and Patient Safety with Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, (1 June 2017 - 31 May 2018) as Co-researcher.
  4. Occupational Safety and Health in the Global Container Ports Industry – (funded by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, UK (IOSH)) with Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre (CWERC), Cardiff University.
  5. Towards a Model of Strategic Green Human Resource Environmental Sustainability Nexus: An Exploratory study based on Triple-Bottom line. - Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (Ministry of Higher Education), (June 2013 to May 2015) – as a Co-researcher.

Completed Research:

  1. Integrating Preferred HR Roles, HR Competencies, and E-HRM Continuance Intention for Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Applying the Technology Continuance Theory.- USM Short Term Grant, (April 2013 to March 2015) – as a Co-researcher.
  2. Towards Gender Responsive OSH Policy: An Exploratory of Gender Needs and Gender Sensitive Indicators – Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (Ministry of Higher Education), (Aug 2012 to July 2014) – as Principal Researcher.
  3. Effective Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety Acts in Malaysian SMEs- Research University Research Grant (Feb 2008 to Feb 2010)- as Principal Researcher.
  4. Developing a model of Malaysian receptivity to international work – Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (Oct 2007 to Oct 2010)- as Principal Researcher.
  5. A study of Top SMEs in Malaysia: Key Success Factor vs. Government Support Program- Research University Research Grant (Feb 2008 to Feb 2009) as a Co-Researcher.
  6. A Multicentre Comparative Study of the Knowledge, Beliefs and Socio-Behavioral Risk Factors in Women and Their Spouses on Pap smear Screening Prioritised Research IRPA Programme – Project No: 06-02-03-1032 PR0024/09-06 as co-researcher.


Selected Publications in Journals:

  1. Hong, K. T., Surienty, L., & Selamat, M. N. (2016). Safety Training and Safety Behaviour in the Malaysian SMEs. Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, 13 (2), 55-62.
  2. AuYong,  H.,  Zailani,  S.,  &  Surienty,  L.  (2016).  Perceived  Safety  Management Practices  in the Logistics Sector, IOS Press, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation.
  3. Selamat,  M.  N.,  &  Surienty,  L.  (2015).  An  Examination  Of  Commuting  Accident  In Malaysia, Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, 12 (1), 171-178.
  4. Yusoff,  YM.,  Othman,  NZ.,  Fernando,  Y.,  Amran,  A,  Surienty, L.,  and Ramayah,  T. (2015).  Conceptualization  ofGreen  Human  Resource  Management: An  Exploratory Study from Malaysian-based Multinational Companies,International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 6(3), 158-166.  
  5. Surienty, L., Ramayah, T., Lo, M., Tarmizi, A. N. (2013). Quality of Work Life and Turnover Intention: A Partial Least Square (PLS) Approach. Social Indicators Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-013-0486-5.
  6. Fatimah Khozaei, T. Ramayah, Ahmad Sanusi Hassan and Lilis Surienty. (2012). Sense of Attachment to Place and Fulfilled Preferences, the Mediating Role of Housing Satisfaction. Property Management, 30 (3), 292-310.
  7. Huinee Auyong, Suhaiza Zailani, Lilis Surienty. (2011). Safety and Health Management in Logistics: Literature Review and Future Research. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 1 (3), 9-20.
  8. Khoo Teng Hong and Lilis Surienty. (2011). Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprise and Effective Safety Management Practices: A Review of Literature. Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, 8 (1), 1-11.
  9. Khoo Teng Hong, Lilis Surienty and Daisy Kee Mui Hung. (2011). Occupational Safety and HEalth in Malaysian Small Medium Enterprise (SME) and Effective Safety Management Practices. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Technopreneurship, 1(2), 321-338.
  10. Au Yong Hui Nee, Suhaiza Hanim Mohamad Zailani, and Lilis Surienty Abdul Talib. (2011). Factors Affect Safety and Health Behavior of Logistics Workers in Malaysia: A Conceptual Framework. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 22 – 24, 2011.
  11. Daisy Kee Mui Hung, Azura Abdullah Effendi, Lilis Surienty, and Noor Afiza Binti Abdul Rani. (2011). A Preliminary Study of Top SMEs in Malaysia: Key Success Factor vs. Government Support Program, Journal of Global Business and Economics, 2 (1), 11.
  12. Lilis Surienty, Khoo Teng Hong and Daisy Kee Mui Hung. (2011). Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in SMEs in Malaysia: A Preliminary Investigation. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship, 1 (1), 65-75.
  13. Surienty, L., Khoo Teng Hong, Mui Hung, K. D. (2010). Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in SMEs in Malaysian: A Preliminary Investigation. Paper presented at the International Conference for Business and Economics Research (ICBER), Kuching, Sarawak.
  14. Surienty, L. (2009). Implementation of OSH Requirements in Malaysian SME. Paper presented at the 40th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Taipei, Taiwan.
  15. Surienty, L. (2007). Sexual harassment experiences and well-being outcomes: A proposed model. Paper presented at the 39th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Sakado, Japan.
  16. Joan, C. Y., Osman, I., & Surienty, L. (2007). Teachers Burnout and its relations with perfectionism and coping strategies: A concept paper. Paper presented at the 7th AAM International Conference, Penang.
  17. Surienty, L., Shuib, R., & Osman, I. (2006). Awareness and Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening: A Qualitative Study with Malaysian Women. Paper presented at the 38th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, Bangkok.
  18. Yusof, N., & Surienty, L. (2006). Supporting the Strategic Managerial Readiness of Non-profit Organisation. Paper presented at the 2006 International Conference on Technology & Operations Management, Bandung.
  19. Zaharah, S., Nor’Aini, Y., Surienty, L., & Tuti Iryani, MD. (2006). Why Muslim Women Professionals Work?. Paper presented at the 8th PPIM National Scientific Meeting & Annual General Meeting, Kota Bahru.
  20. Surienty, L. (2005). The importance of spouse adjustment towards a successful expatriates international adjustment In A. Yong, Strategic HR: Invent and Innovate, Jalan Ipoh: Genuine Circuit.
  21. Surienty, L & Ahmad, Z. A. (2004). The Relationships of Work/Nonwork Factors and Expatriates International Adjustment. Paper presented at the 2004 Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference, Macau.

Selected Publications in Books and Book Chapters:

  1. Motivation. (2009). Understanding Organizational Behaviour, 93-111. Shah Alam: Oxford University Press.
  2. Organizational Structure and Design. (2009). Understanding Organizational Behaviour, 211-227. Shah Alam: Oxford University Press.
  3. Managing Change and Organizational Development. (2009). Understanding Organizational Behaviour, 229-250. Shah Alam: Oxford University Press.


  1. Commuting Accidents Management Programme (CAMP) with PERKESO and companies.
  2. Occupational Safety and Health in the Global Container Ports Industry with Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre (CWERC), Cardiff University.
  3. Lean Manufacturing Practices: Self-Directed Work Teams for Motorola (Malaysia) Bhd July-Dec, 2010.



  1. Fellowship Programme for XXI World Congress on Safety & Health 2017
  2. Visiting Scholar to Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre (CWERC), Cardiff University from Dec 2012 to Aug 2013.
  3. Young Investigator Travel Award by the 40th and 41st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health in 2007 and 2009.


  1. International Labour & Employment Relations Association (ILERA)
  2. British Academy of Management (BAM)- member and committee for Gender in Management SIG
  3. e-Perintis - Life Membership
  4. Pacific Employment Relations Association (PERA/IERA)


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School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: som@usm.my