Dr. Noorliza Karia


AP Dr Noorliza Karia 2020

Position: Associate Professor

Academic Qualifications:

PhD (University of Hull, Hull, UK), 
MBA (USM, Malaysia)
B.Sc. Bus. Admin. (Denver, USA)

Professional Qualifications:
Chartered Member of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CMILT)


Room: 241
Phone: (+604) 653 2528
Fax: (+604) 6577448
Email: noorliza@usm.my


Noorliza Karia is Associate Professor of Logistics and Operations at the School of Mangement in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). She received her PhD in Logistics from University of Hull, UK, MBA from USM and Bachelor of Science in Production and Operations Management from University of Denver, Colorado, USA. She has gained industrial experiences in production planning, supply management, assembly and mass production in manufacturing industry. She is Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, UK. She has published her works in high-quality journals and conferences. Her research interests centre on logistics, operations and quality, resource and capabilities, halal logistics and service, competitive advantage, sustainability and innovation.

Research Area:

Operations Management, Statistics, ICT: Telecommuting & Quality Practices

Research Project:

On-going Research:

  1. Halal Logistics Resources, Capabilities And Strategies For Sustainability
  2. An Exploratory Appropriate Framework For LSPS Competitive Advantage
  3. Analysis of Third Party Logistics Performance in Malaysia for Continuous Improvement of Operational Efficiency and Productivity

Completed Research:

  1. Lead researcher, Universiti Sains Malaysia Short Term Grant. “Integrated Logistics Management: A Preliminary Framework, 15 March 2007 – 14 March 2009,
  2. Lead Researcher, Universiti Sains Malaysia Short Term Grant, “Telework and Women,” 1 March 2003 – 28 February 2005,
  3. Lead Researcher, Universiti Sains Malaysia Short Term Grant, “Telework and Firm,” 1 July 2000 - 31 December 2001,
  4. Co-Researcher , Hajj Research Cluster USM and Umm Al-Qura University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Project 4: Women Facilities During Hajj 1427H. Period: 18 Dec 2006 – 11 Jan 2007
  5. Research Grant by Food and Agriculture Marketing Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. Project 7: “Integrating Into the New Marketing Paradigm: The Need for Entrepreneurship among Small Farmers.” March 2007 – February 2008


Selected Publications in Journals:

  1. Noorliza Karia and M. H. A. H. Asaari. 2016. Halal value creation: its role in adding value and enabling logistics service, Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2016.1166276. Impact factor 1.466. Published online April 2016.

  2. Noorliza Karia and Asaari, M.H.A.H. 2016. Halal Business and Sustainability: Strategies, Resources, and Capabilities of Halal Third-party Logistics (3PL). Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal. (forthcoming).

  3. Noorliza Karia & Asaari, M.H.A.H. Assessing Innovation in Halal Service: An Islamic-based View Approach. In Contemporary Issues and Development in the Global Halal Industry, edited by Siti Khadijah Ab. Manan, INHAC 2014 publication by Springer. (forthcoming)

  4. Noorliza Karia and Asaari, M.H.A.H. 2016. ‘Innovation capability: the impact of teleworking on sustainable competitive advantage’, Int. J. Technology, Policy and Management, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.181–194.

  5. Noorliza Karia. 2016. Issues in Telemedicine Service: Acceptance and Willingness Encyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine, edited by Cruz-Cunha MM. Miranda IM. de Guimarães CM. and Martindo R.  2: 958-968. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9978-6.ch074

  6. Noorliza Karia. 2015. Acceptability in Telemedicine Service: The Certainty of Human Wisdom. Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship, 2(2): 125-131.

  7. Noorliza Karia and M. H. A. H. Asaari. 2015. “Enhancing Halal Sustainability: Resources and Capability of Operations in Third-party Logistics (3PL).” WSEAS Advances in Business and Economic Development 2: 206–211.

  8. Noorliza Karia, M. H. A. H. Asaari, N. Mohamad, and S. Kamaruddin. 2015. “Assessing Halal Logistics Competence: An Islamic-based and Resource-based View.” 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), 1–6. IEEE Conference Publications. doi: 10.1109/IEOM.2015.7093744.

  9. Noorliza Karia, C. Y. Wong, M. H. A. H. Asaari, and K. Lai. 2015. “The Effects of Resource Bundling on Third-party Logistics Providers’ Performance.” International Journal of Engineering Business and Management 7 (9): 1–14.

  10. Noorliza Karia and M. H. A. H. Asaari. 2014. “Developing Halal Logistics Framework: An Innovation Approach.” In Vision 2020: Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, and Global Competitiveness, edited by Khalid S. Soliman, 328–334. Spain: International Business Information Management Association.

  11. Noorliza Karia, M. H. A. H. Asaari, and C. Y. Wong. 2014. “Exploring the Comprehensive Framework of Third-party Logistics Provider’s Competitive Advantage: A Resource-based View Approach.” Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 8 (23): 345–351.

  12. Noorliza Karia and C. Y. Wong. 2013. “The Impact of Logistics Resources on the erformance of Malaysian Logistics Service Providers.” Journal. Production Planning & Control 24 (7): 589–606.

  13. Noorliza Karia & Asaari, M.H.A.H, Entrepreneurial in Emerging Halal - Oriented Economies: Researching Halal Logistics Services, 2013. In Entrepreneurship Vision 2020: Innovation, Development Sustainability, and Economic Growth, edited by Khalid S. Soliman, 438-439. Kuala Lumpur: International Business Information Management Association.

  14. Wai-Peng Wong, Keng-Lin, Che-Le Chong and Noorliza Karia (2015). Logistics firms: efficiency and effectiveness perspectives. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 64(5): 686 - 701

  15. Nurul Adilah Saludin, Noorliza Karia and Hasnanywati Hassan (2015). Nature of works for quantity surveyors to homeworking. Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(5) April 2015, pp139-142.

  16. Noorliza Karia, Asaari, M.H.A.H and C. Y. Wong. (2014). Exploring the comprehensive framework of third-party logistics providers competitive advantage: a resource-based view approach. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 8(23) Special 2014, pp345-351. ISSN: 1991-8178.

  17. Noorliza Karia and Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari. (2014). Understanding the e-learning provider’s strategies for achieving competitiveness. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 8(24) Special 2014, pp348-352. ISSN: 1991-8178.

  18. Noorliza Karia, N., and Wong, C. Y. (2013). The impact of logistics resources on the performance of Malaysian logistics service providers. Journal: Production Planning & Control 24 (7), 589-606. Impact factor 0.90.

  19. Wong, C.Y., and Karia, N., (2010). Explaining the competitive advantage of logistics service providers: a resource-based view approach, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.128 pp. 51-67. Impact factor 1.988.

  20. Noorliza Karia and Asaari, M. H. A. H., (2006).The Effects of Total Quality Management Practices on Employees’ Work-Related Attitude. The TQM Magazine, Vol.18 No.1, pp.30-43.

  21. Wong, C.Y., and Karia, N., (2010) “Explaining the competitive advantage of logistics service providers: a resource-based view approach”, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.128 pp. 51-67.

  22. Noorliza Karia & Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari (2006). “The Effects of Total Quality Management Practices on Employees’ Work-Related Attitude,” The TQM Magazine, Vol.18 No.1, pp.30-43

  23. Goon Tuck Lee, Noornina Dahlan, T.Ramyah, Noorliza Karia & Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari (2005). “Impact of Interface Characteristics on Digital Libraries Usage,” Malaysian Online Journal of Instructional Technology, Vol.2, No.1, April, 9p [ISSN 1823-1144].

  24. Noorliza Karia & Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari (2008), “Challenges for Women Employees: Balancing the Work - Family Life,” International Journal of Contemporary Women and knowledge Advancement 1.

  25. Noorliza Karia & Razli Che Razak (2007). “Logistics Assets That Payoff the Competitive Advantage,” pp.33-39. In Ed. Khalid S. Soliman (2007), Information Management in the Networked Economy: Issues & Solutions, International Business Information Management Association, New York [ISBN 0-9753393-7-0].

  26. Noornina Dahlan, Noorliza Karia, Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari, T.Ramayah & Goon Tuck Lee (2006). “Role of Organization Context on Digital Library’s Success Factors,” pp.712-714. In Ed. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (2006). Emerging Trend and Challenges in information Technology Management, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey USA [ISBN 159904040-4].

  27. Noorliza Karia & Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari (2006). “Telework Implementation toward Virtual Organization in Malaysia,” pp.784-786. In Ed. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (2006). Emerging Trend and Challenges in information Technology Management, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey USA [ISBN 159904020-4].

  28. Ramayah, T., Dahlan, N., Karia, Noorliza and Kassim, Normalini (2006). “Perceived Characteristics of Innovating (PCI): The case of the Human Resource Information System (HRIS). In Dianne H.B. Welsh, Mohd Syukri Ab Yajid, Valetin H. Pasthenko and Zafar U. Ahmad (eds), Advances in Global Business Research AGBA third Annual World Congress Conference 3(1) pp 152-158 [ISSN 1549 – 9332]

  29. Razmah Mahmod, Noornina Dahlan, T. Ramayah, Noorliza Karia & Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari (2005). “Attitudinal Belief on Adoption of E-MBA Program in Malaysia,” Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, Vol.6 No.2, April, 9p [ISSN 1302-6488].

  30. Noornina Dahlan, T. Ramayah, Noorliza Karia, Fun Swee Fong & Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari (2005). “Success Factors on Intra-Organizational Knowledge Transfer,” pp.663-666. In Ed. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (2005), Managing Modern Organizations with Information Technology, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, USA [ISBN 159140823-7].

  31. Noorliza Karia & Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari (2005). “Determinants of Telecommuting among Women Workers in Penang: A Case Study,” pp.660-662. In Ed. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (2005), Managing Modern Organizations with Information Technology, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, USA [ISBN 159140823-7].

  32. Noorliza Karia, Yuserrie Zainuddin & Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari (2003). “Perception of Human Resources Managers on Telecommuting Concept Implementation in Malaysian Firms, “Gajah Mada International Journal of Business, Vol.5, No.1, January, pp.97-107 [ISSN 1411-1128].

  33. Noorliza Karia & Zainal Ariffin Ahmad (2000). “Quality Practices that Pay: Empowerment and Teamwork,” Malaysian Management Review, Vol.35, No.2, December, pp.66-76 [ISSN 0025-1348].

Selected Publications in Books and Book Chapters:


  1. Research collaboration - Logistics Service Providers, Tranportation and Halal Logistics
  2. Industrial collaboration - Innovation in product development, Islamic Management Practices (IMP)



  1. Scholarship for PhD Program by Ministry of Higher Education from Oct 2001 – Oct 2011
  2. Invitation for conference sponsored by Northern leadership Academy Doctoral Fellows 2009
  3. Conference fund: £2000 by University of Hull, July 2010
  4. Conference fund: £450 by Hull University September, 2010


  1. The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport 2009 - present
  2. Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Society 2013-present


  • Hits: 20086

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: som@usm.my