Dr. Normalini Md Kassim
Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic Qualifications:
PhD (Technology Management), Universiti Sains Malaysia
MBA (Technology Management), Universiti Sains Malaysia
Bsc. Computer Science (Simulation and Robotics), Universiti of Teknology Malaysia
Diploma in Computer Science (Simulation and Robotics), University of Technology Malaysia
Room: 122
Phone: (+604) 653 2532
Fax: (+604) 657 7448
Email: normalini@usm.my and normalini_mk@yahoo.com
NORMALINI MD KASSIM was a system engineer for Maybank Berhad in year 1999 to 2001. Her experience in banking industry for 3 years handling loan processing programming. She obtained her first degree in Computer Science from University Technology of Malaysia at year 1999. She was joining Hewlett Packard Singapore at end of year 2001 as a Project Manager in Communication System Section. Her experience in communication programming and supporting the system for a few communication companies in Philipines and Singapore. She completed her Master in Business Administration (MBA) in Universiti Sains Malaysia at year 2005. She is a consultant in risk management for AIA Berhad and RHB Trustees for 9 years which specific to Islamic financial planning. She started her career in lecturing with School of Distance Learning, USM in year 2007. Currently, she is a lecturer with School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Her publications have appeared in SAGE – Global Business Review, IGI Global Publication, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences (Elsevier), International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management (Emerald), and Social Indicator Research. With experience in banking, manufacturing, communication and financial industry, she would like to collaborate and share her experience in technology management and risk management area.
Research Area:
- Operation Management
- Technology Management
- Management Information System (MIS)
- Accounting Information System (AIS)
- Internet banking
- E-government
- Electronic Commerce
- Online Services
- Business Analytics
- Big Data
- Cloud Computing
Research Project:
On-going Research:
- A Proposed Future Internet Banking Security Model Towards IR 4.0 Direction: Moderating by Perceived Effectiveness Biometrics Usage Implementation. (1/10/2020-30/09/2023) – RUI - Lead Researcher
- Surviving Digital Darwinism in IR4.0: A Blueprint for Strategic Deployment of Retail Internet of Things (RIoT). (1/11/2020-31/10/2022) – Co-Researcher
- New Talent Analysis Model for Malaysia Fintech Ecosystem (1/12019-31/12-2020) – FRGS- Co –Researcher
- A Comprehensive Assessment on Islamic Banking System in Creating A Sustainable Banking Model (1/1/2019-31/12/2020) – FRGS – Co-Researcher
- Penjenamaan “Universiti Lestari” Sebagai Strategi Permasaran Terhadap Pelajar Antarabangsa: Satu Kajian Ke Atas Universiti Sains Malaysia (1/6/2019-31/5/020) - University Grant – Co-Researcher
Completed Research:
- Consumer Adoption and Security of Internet Banking in the Malaysian Banking Context. (2012) -University Grant – Lead Researcher
- Understanding Consumer Adoption and Security of Internet Banking: An Interpretive study in the Malaysian Banking Context (2017) - University Grant – Lead Researcher
- Message Framing Model in Raising Breast Self-Examination Practices for Cancer Detection Among Malaysian Women (2017-2019) - FRGS- Co-Researcher
- Impact of MCMC's Smart Community Initiatives (2017-2019) - External Grant - Lead Researcher
- Effect of Security and Privacy Factor on Trust and Its Influence on Continued Usage of Internet Banking Among Malaysians: The Moderation Impact on Perceived Effectiveness of Usage Biometrics Technologies (15/3/2018-14/3/2020)- University Grant – Lead Researcher
Selected Publications in Journals and Book Chapters:
- Mohamad Saifudin Mohamad Saleh, Normalini Md Kassim, Naziru Alhaji Tukur, Sharifah Nadiah Syed Mukhiar, Rani Ann Balaraman (2021). Sustainable Universities as Brand Marketing for Universities: A Case of Universiti Sains Malaysia. Media Watch, 12(1), 127-148. SCOPUS (Q1).
- Jayabrabu Ramakrishnan, Muhammad Salman Shabbir, Normalini Md Kassim, Phong Thanh Nguyen, Dinesh Mavaluru (2020). A Comprehensive and systematic review of the network virtualization techniques in the IoT. International Journal of Communication Systems. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.4331. ISI Impact Factor 1.23.
- Muhammad Salman Shabbir, Ahmed F. Siddiqi, Normalini Md Kassim, Faisal Mustafa and Rabia Salman (2020). A Child Labour Estimator: A Case of Bahawalpur Division. Social Indicators Research, 147(1), 95-109. ISI Impact Factor 1.703
- Normalini Md Kassim and Sulaiman Haruna (2020). Assessing Trust and Intention to Continue Using Internet Banking through the Security Dimensions Impact. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 16(2). SCOPUS (Q3)
- Zunirah Mohd Talib, Normy Rafida Abdul Rahman, Mohd Lutfi Iskandar, Normalini Md Kassim (2020). Factors Influence Sustainability in Quality and Halal Integrity among Halal Food Manufacturers in Malaysia during Covid-19 Pandemic. Solid State Technology, 63(4), 2933-2949. SCOPUS (Q4)
- Sulaiman Haruna and Normalini Md Kassim (2019). Willingness to use Electronic Revenue Collection System: Moderating Effect of E-Collection Training on the Extended Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 15(4), 60-74. DOI: 10.4018/IJEIS.2019100104. SCOPUS (Q3)
- Normalini, M.K., T. Ramayah, Muhammad Salman Shabbir (2019). Investigating the Impact of Security Factors in E-Business and Internet Banking Usage Intention Among Malaysians. Industrial Engineering & Management Systems,18(3), 501-510. https://doi.org/10.7232/items.2019.18.3.501. SCOPUS (Q2)
- Shabbir, M.S., Siddiqi, A.F., Normalini, M.K., Mustafa, F. and Salman, R. (2019). A Child Labour Estimator: A Case of Bahawalpur Division. Social Indicators Research, 1-15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-019-02146-4(ISI) SSCI (Impact Factor 1.743)
- Shabbir, M.S., Siddiqi, A.F., Normalini, M.K., Mustafa, F. and Abbas, M. (2019). Analysis of Experimental Designs with Outliers. Amazonia Investiga, 8(18), 53-68. ISSN En linea: 2322-6307 (ISI) ESCI
- Normalini Md. Kassim, Jasmine Ai Leen Yeap, Saravanan Nathan, Nor Hazlina Hashim and T. Ramayah (2019) A Conceptual Paper of the Smart City and Smart Community. In Bilgin, M.H. , Danis, H., Demir E., and Ugur, C. (Eds.) Eurasian Economic Perspectives, Springer: Switzerland, Volume 11/1, 2019, pp.39-47 (SPRINGER) (ISI)
- Normalini, M.K.,Nor Hazlina Hashim, Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen, Saravanan Nathan, and T. Ramayah. (2019). Impact of MCMC’s Smart Community Initiatives: Stakeholders’ perspectives using qualitative approach. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 11 (2s), 232-242 (ERA)
- Normalini, M.K. (2019)Revisiting the Effects of Quality Dimensions, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use on Internet Banking Usage Intention. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 11 (2s), 254-263 (ERA)
- Shabbir, M.S., and Normalini, M.K. (2019). Entreprenuer as an individual a conceptual review of recent literature on entrepreneurial skills. OPCION Regular Issue 35(89), 823-845. ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385 (SCOPUS, Q3)
- Normalini, M.K. and T. Ramayah.(2019). The Impact of Security Factors Towards Internet Banking Usage Intention Among Malaysians. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 11 (2s), 243-253 (ERA)
- Wan Normila Mohamad, Azizah Omar and Normalini M.K. (2019)The Effect of Understanding Companion’s Needs, Companion’s Satisfaction, Companion’s Delight towards Behavioural Intention in Malaysia Medical Tourism. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 11 (2s), 372-383 (ERA)
- Sulaiman Haruna and Normalini, M.K. (2019)Conceptual framework on factors that influencing the intention of accounting staff to use e-collection system in state-owned tertiary institution in Nigeria. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 11 (2s), 333-341 (ERA)
- Khor Ying Jia, Suraiyati Rahman, Normalini Md Kassim, and Muhammad Salman Shabbir (2018). The Influence of Sensation Seeking, Travel Motivation and Social Media Networks towards Risk Perception among Malaysians to Travel Internationally. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (4.25), 348-356. (SCOPUS, Q4)
- Muhammad Salman Shabbir and Normalini Md Kassim(2018). Supply Chain Management Drivers and Sustainability of Green Initiatives in Manufacturing Enterprises: A Case in Pakistan. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Volume 22 (Special Issue), 1-19. (SCOPUS, Q3)
- Normalini Md Kassim, Saravanan Nathan Lurudusamy, Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen, T. Ramayah and Nor Hazlina Hashim (2018). Insights of Smart Community in Kemaman, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7, 1181–1188. (SCOPUS, Q4)
- Muhammad Salman Shabbir, Normalini,Muhammad Faisal, Mazhar, and Yousif (2018). Poverty Reduction through Islamic Modes of Finance; The Way Forward. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, (Special Issue) (4), 58-65. ISSN(p): 2413-6670 (SCOPUS, Q3)
- Nor Hazlina Hashim, Normalini M.K., and Norhazlina Sajali (2018). The Influence Factors towards Mobile Advertising Message Content on Consumer Purchase Intention. Global Business Review, 19(5), SAGE (SCOPUS, Q2)
- Nurhafiza and Normalini M.K.(2018). Factors Influencing the Margins of Islamic Banks. Global Business Review, 19(4), SAGE (SCOPUS, Q2)
- Zunirah Md Talib, Normalini M.K. and Yuserrie Zainuddin (2018). Halal Orientation Strategy (HOS) Reinforces to Positive Results on Quality, Time, Cost Control and Flexibility among Halal Food Manufacturers in Malaysia Context. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, 9(2), 15-37 (ISSN: 2233-5900)
- Mazni Saad, Toh Poh See, Mohamaed Azam Mohamed Adil, and Normalini Md Kassim(2018). Effect of Spiritual Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness and Food-hygiene Practices. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies (jABs), 3(10), 76-85.
- Normalini Md Kassim, Nor Hazlina Hashim, Jasmine Ai Leen Yeap, Saravanan Nathan, T. Ramayah (2018). Research on the Usage and Satisfaction of Smart Community Initiatives in Malaysia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, 9(4), 13-27 (ISSN: 2384-3934)
- Normalini, M.K.(2017). Effect of Perceived Security and Perceived Privacy towards Trust and the Influence on Internet Banking Usage among Malaysians. International Academic Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), pp.26-36. (ISSN 2454-3918)
- Normalini M.K.and T. Ramayah (2017). Trust in Internet Banking in Malaysia and the Moderating Influence of Perceived Effectiveness of Biormetrics Technology on Perceived Privacy and Security. Journal of Management Sciences, 4(1), 3-26 (SCOPUS)
- Normalini, M.K.,Saravanan Nathan Lurudusamy, and Lawrence Arokiasamy (2017). Factors that Influence Mobile Application Usage among Undergraduates in Malaysian Public University. International Academic Journal of Science and Engineering, 4(1), pp.121-133 (ISSN 2454-3896)
- Lawrence Arokiasamy, Nazanin, Mansouri, Rani Ann Balaraman, Normalini Md Kassim. A Literature Review of Competence Development on Academic Career Advancement: A Human Resource Development Perspective. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal Vol.9, No. 1s (Special Issue 2017) (ERA)
- Nor Hazlina Hashim, Normalini Md Kassim, Roshni Ann George (2017). Revisiting the Effect of Mobile Advertising Content on Buying Intention. Gading Journal for the Social Sciences. ISSN 0128-5599
- Normalini, M.K. (2017). Factors that Influence Mobile Application Usage Among Undergraduates in USM. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, 8(1), pp. 15-32. (ISSN 2233-5900)
- Normalini Md Kassimand T.Ramayah (2015). A Measurement Model of Risk Perception in Internet Banking based on Malaysian Context. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(23), ISSN 1819-6608. (SCOPUS, Q3)
- Normalini, M.K.(2015). The effect of security factors on the continuance of Internet banking usage among Malaysians. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, 6(1), 27-43. ISSN 2384-3934
- Mazni Saad, Toh Poh See, Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil, Normalini Md Kassim(2015). Spiritual Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness and Food-Hygience Practices in Public Institutions. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 201, 146-155. (SCOPUS)
- Normalini, M.K.and T.Ramayah (2015). A Proposed Biometrics Technologies Implementation in Malaysia Internet Banking Services. Innovation, Finance, and the Economy, Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics, Vol 1, 2015, pp 79-87. (ISSN 2364-5067) ISI Proceedings
- Normalini, M.K.and T. Ramayah (2015). Perceived Risk Factors Influence on Intention to Continue Using Internet Banking among Malaysians. Global Business Review, 16(3), 393-414. (SAGE) DOI: 10.1177/0972150915569928 (SCOPUS, Q2)
- Pooja Malhotra, Normalini Md Kassim, T. Ramayah. Factors affecting adoption of Internet Banking: A case study from India. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, 5(2),13-24, (December 2014)
- Normalini, M.K. and T. Ramayah (2012). Biometrics Technologies Implementation in Internet Banking Reduce Security Issues? Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 65, 364-369. (ELSEVIER) (SCOPUS)
- Normalini Md. Kassim, T. Ramayah and Sherah Kurnia (2012). Antecedents and Outcomes of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) Use. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 61 (6), 603-623. (EMERALD) (SCOPUS, Q2)
Chapter in the Book
- Sulaiman Haruna and Normalini Md Kassim (2019). Factor Influencing the Intention to Use E-Collection System in State-Owned Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria. Throughput Accounting in a Hyperconnected World, Editor: Oncioiu, Ionica, IDEA Group International (IGI Global), Chapter 1, 1-26. .ISBN: 9781522577133. (SCOPUS, Q2)
- Normalini Md. Kassim and T. Ramayah (2015). Understanding Security in Consumer Adoption of Internet Banking: Biometrics Technology Implementation in the Malaysian Banking Context. Handbook of Banking, Finance, and Accounting, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (3 Volume), Editor: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, IDEA Group International (IGI Global), Chapter 37, 685-698. ISBN 13: 9781466662681. (SCOPUS)
- Normalini Md Kassim and T. Ramayah (2013). Security Policy Issues in Internet Banking in Malaysia. Handbook of IT Policy and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (3 Volume), Editor: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, IDEA Group International (IGI Global), Chapter 57, 1274-1293. ISBN13: 9781466629196. IDEA Group International. (SCOPUS)
- Normalini Md. Kassim and T. Ramayah (2013). Understanding Security in Consumer Adoption of Internet Banking: Biometrics Technology Implementation in the Malaysian Banking Context. Handbook of Research and Development in E-Business through Service-Oriented Solutions, Editor: Katalin Tarnay, Sandor Imre & Lai Xu, IDEA Group International (IGI Global), Chapter 15, 293-306.ISBN: 9781466641815. (SCOPUS)
- Normalini Md Kassim and T. Ramayah (2011). Security Policy Issues in Internet Banking in Malaysia. Handbook of Research on Information Communication Technology: Trends, Issues and Advancements, Editor: Esharenana E. Adomi, IDEA Group International (IGI Global), Chapter 42, 667-687. ISBN13:9781615208470. IDEA Group International. (SCOPUS)
- Normalini, M.K. and T. Ramayah. The Impact of Security Factors Towards Internet Banking Usage Intention Among Malaysians. International Conference of Business Policy and Society (ICBPS 2018) – Kuala Lumpur. 27th-28th November 2018. (ERA)
- Normalini, M.K., Nor Hazlina Hashim, Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen, Saravanan Nathan, and T. Ramayah.Impact of MCMC’s Smart Community Initiatives: Stakeholders’ perspectives using qualitative approach. International Conference of Business Policy and Society (ICBPS 2018) – Kuala Lumpur. 27th-28th November 2018. (ERA)
- Normalini, M.K. Revisiting the Effects of Quality Dimensions, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use on Internet Banking Usage Intention. International Conference of Business Policy and Society (ICBPS 2018) – Kuala Lumpur. 27th-28th November 2018. (ERA)
- Wan Normila Mohamad, Azizah Omar and Normalini M.K. The Effect of Understanding Companion’s Needs, Companion’s Satisfaction, Companion’s Delight towards Behavioural Intention in Malaysia Medical Tourism. International Conference of Business Policy and Society (ICBPS 2018) – Kuala Lumpur. 27th-28th November 2018. (ERA)
- Sulaiman Haruna and Normalini, M.K. Conceptual framework on factors that influencing the intention of accounting staff to use e-collection system in state-owned tertiary institution in Nigeria. International Conference of Business Policy and Society (ICBPS 2018) – Kuala Lumpur. 27th-28th November 2018. (ERA)
- Normalini, M.K. The Impact of Security Factors on Internet Banking Continuance Usage Among Malaysians. 24th EBES Conference – Bangkok, Thailand 10-12 Jan 2018.
- Normalini, M.K., Jasmine, Yeap., Saravanan Nathan, Nor Hazlina, Ramayah. A Conceptual paper of the Smart City and Smart Community. 24th EBES Conference – Bangkok, Thailand 10-12 Jan 2018.
- Wan Normila, Azizah, and Normalini. Sustainable Medical Tourism: The Effect of Understanding Companion’s Needs, Companion’s Satisfaction, Companion’s Delight towards Behavioral Intention. 24th EBES Conference – Bangkok, Thailand 10-12 Jan 2018
- Zunirah Md Talib, Yuserrie Zainuddin, and Normalini Md Kassim. The Outcomes of Halal Orientation Strategy Among Halal Food Companies in Malaysia. INHAC 2016 – 3rd International Halal Coference 2016 – Shah Alam, November 21st – 22nd, 2016.
- Normalini, M.K. Security and Privacy Factors Influence Trust on the Continuance of Internet Banking Usage among Malaysians. RCSTSS 2016 – Regional Conference on Science Technology & Social Sciences. Cameron Highlands, Pahang Dec 4th-6th ,2016
- Nor Hazlina Hashim, Normalini, M.K. and Roshni George. Revisiting the Effect of Mobile Advertising Content on Buying Intention. RCSTSS 2016 – Regional Conference on Science Technology & Social Sciences. Cameron Highlands, Pahang Dec 4th-6th ,2016
- Lawrence Arokiasamy, Nazanin Mansouri, Rani Ann Balaraman, and Normalini M.K. A literature review of competence development on academic career advancement: A human resource development perspective. ICLM 2016 – International Conference on Leadership & Management – Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, 15-17 August 2016
- Normalini, M.K. and T.Ramayah. A Measurement Model of Risk Perception in Internet Banking based on Malaysian Context – ICRIIS 2015- 4th International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems – Melaka December 8-10, 2015
- Normalini, M.K. and T. Ramayah. A Proposed Biometrics Technologies Implementation in Malaysia Internet Banking Services – 13th EBES Conference – Istanbul June 5-7, 2014.
- Normalini, M.K. and T. Ramayah (2012). Biometrics Technologies Implementation in Internet Banking Reduce Security Issues? – ICIBSoS 2012 – International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Sciences – Jakarta Dec 1-2, 2012.
- Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
- Telekom Malaysia Berhad
- Reem H Y A Alkouse (PhD)- Technology Management - Main Supervisor
- Wafa Hamed Suroor Alkaabi (PhD) – Technology Management – Main Supervisor
- Mohammed Rashed Mohammed Al Humaid Alneyadi (PhD) – Technology Management – Main Supervisor
- Mohammed Khamis Masoud Maayouf Alshamsi (PHD)- Technology Management – Main Supervisor
- Xiaochen Yuan (PHD) – Accounting Information System – Main Supervisor
- Kenny Quah Wei Jie (PhD) – Accounting Information System – Co-Supervisor
- Norbihan Mohammad (MA) – Corporate Finance – Co-Supervisor
- Muhammad Salman Shabbir (2019-2020)
- Rabia Salman (1/1/2021-1/1/2022)
- Wael Ghazi Saleh Bani Melhem (2016). Effects of Business Strategy on Performance of Jordanian Service Companies : Mediating Role of Accounting Information System (AIS) and Information Quality ( Main Supervisor), Universiti Sains Malaysia.
- Mazni Saad (2016). The Impact of Food-Hygiene Practices, Leadership Effectiveness and Spiritual Intelligence Towards PLKN Foodservices Performance. (Co-Supervisor), Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Msc in Tourism Development
- Khor Ying Jia (2017)
MA in Accounting Information System
- Sulaiman Haruna (2020)
- Gold Medal Dean List Achiever Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) (1997)
- Gold Best Joint-Venture IPTA 2005 - Anugerah Sanggar Sanjung (2005)
- Best Paper Award – 2018 – International Conference of Business Policy and Society
Visiting Lecturer and External Assessor:
- Management & Science University (1/7/2019-30/6/2021)
- The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport - Chatered member CILTM
- Malaysia Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (MyAIS)
- Hits: 21382