Dr. Wong Wai Peng


Profile Dr Wong Wai Peng updated

Position:  Senior Lecturer

Academic Qualifications:

PhD (National University of Singapore)
MBA (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
B. Eng (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)


Room: 222
Phone: (+604) 653 2527
Fax:  (+604) 657 7448
Email: wongwp@usm.my


DR. WONG WAI PENG, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer and Lead Operations Management Research Cluster in the School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). She completed her Bachelor of Computer/Electronics Engineering, with a first class honours from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 1998. Soon Dr. Wong proceeded to work in the industry for seven years as a product engineer during which she also obtained her MBA from USM in 2002. As a result of her successful industry career and academic achievements, Dr. Wong was granted a USM fellowship and successfully completed her studies in the University of Singapore in 2009. Her PhD research was in Industrial and Systems Engineering focusing on supply chain performance measurement using data envelopment analysis (DEA).

Dr. Wong supervises PhD and MA students. Her research areas are in operations management (manufacturing and services); information systems management; and supply chain management involving green, sustainability, logistics, cross-functional, innovation, quality, capabilities, efficiency, effectiveness, optimization, and performance measurements. In addition to the basic and applied (hypotheses testing) PhD and MA research, Dr. Wong is also skilful and enthusiastic about stochastic modelling such as DEA and optimization. Consequently, students under her supervision could choose from a broader spectrum of research methodology. This mix of applied management research and mathematical methodologies is uniquely transdisciplinary and has expanded her research horizons and output. Today, Dr. Wong has published numerous articles in ISI impact factor and reputable international journals to her credit. She has no less than 40 publications worthy of at least 400 citations. Her continuing research achievements have made her a recipient of the Australia Executive Fellowship (2015) and the Sumitomo Grant for Japan-Related Research Projects (2016). Such awards continue to motivate and support Dr. Wong Wai Peng to seek new frontiers of knowledge and she welcomes like-minded research students. Dr. Wong Wai Peng teaches operations management, management science, supply chain management and information technology.


Research Area:

Supply Chain, Logistics, Efficiency Analysis using DEA and Simulation Optimization, Operations and Information Systems Management

Research Project:

On-going Research:

  1. Third Party Logistics Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Exploratory Research Grant (ERGS)  from Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, 2013 –2015.
  2. Towards A Successful Implementation of Business Process Management (BPM) For Sustainable Organization Performance, USM (Research University Grant), 2011- 2014.
  3. Operating Efficiency and Corporate Governance of Public Listed Companies in Malaysia, USM (Research University Grant), 2012- 2014.


Completed Research:

  1. Knowledge Management and Supply Chain Management: Understand Their Linkages Towards Firm Performance, 2009 - 2010.
  2. A Stochastic Model in Evaluating Vendors Performance with Supply Risk, 2010 - 2012.
  3. Analysis of Green Supply Chain Performance Using Ant Colony Optimization Based Fuzzy Inference Algorithm, 2010 -2012.

Selected Publications in Journals:

Note: ISI impact factor publications are cited according to year of acceptance

  1.   Wong W.P., Tseng, M.L. & Tan, K.H. (2014). A Business Process Management Capabilities Perspective on Organization Performance.  Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 25(5-6), 602-617. [SSCI,  Impact Factor: 0.605]
  2.  Wong, W.P. & Wong, K.Y. (2014). Synergizing an ecosphere of lean for sustainable operations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 85(15), 51-66. [SCI, Impact Factor: 3.590]
  3.  Wong, W.P., Ignatius, J. & Soh, K.L. (2014). What is the leanness level of your organization in lean transformation implementation? An integrated lean index using ANP approach. Production Planning and Control, 25(4), 273-287. [SCI, Impact Factor: 0.603]
  4.  Tan, L.P., Wong, K.Y., Lee, C.S. & Wong, W.P. (2014). Knowledge Management performance measurement: measures, approaches, trends and future directions. Information Development,  online at http://idv.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/01/28/0266666913513278. [SSCI Impact factor: 0.440]
  5.  Wong, W.P., Nasurdin, A.M.,  Ahmad, N.H. & Nurbanum, M. (2014). The impact of external environment on business process management and organizational performance. Service Business,  8, 559-586. [SSCI Impact factor: 0.828]
  6.  Deng, Q. & Wong, W.P. (2014). DCBA-DEA: A Monte Carlo simulation optimization approach for predicting an accurate technical efficiency in stochastic environment. Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 13(2), 210-220. [Scopus]
  7.  Wong, W.P., Deng, Q., Tseng, M.L., Lee, L.H. and Hooy, C.W. (2014). A stochastic setting to bank financial performance for refining efficiency estimates. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management. [EBSCO, Proquest]
  8.  Soh, K.L., Wong, W.P., Chong, C.L., Hiew, Y.H. (2014). Improving Traffic Infrastructure in a Developing Country. Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 13(2), 172-184. [Scopus]
  9.  Nurbanum, M.,  Nasurdin,  A.M.,  Ahmad, N.H. & Wong, W.P. (2013). What affects the extent of business process management implementation? An empirical study of Malaysia’s manufacturing organization. Operations Management Research, 6(3-4), 91-104. [SSCI Impact factor: 0.208]
  10.  Tan, S.Y., Idrus, R. & Wong, W.P. (2013). ERP Misfit-Reduction Strategies: A Moderated Model of System Modification and Organizational Adaptation. Journal of Global Information Management,  21(1),559-586. [SSCI Impact factor: 1.265]
  11.  Wong, W.P. (2013). Business-process management: a proposed framework for future research. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 24(5-6), 719-732. [SSCI,  Impact Factor: 0.605].
  12.  Hassan, S.H., Lee, W.L. & Wong, W.P. (2013). The influence of food product packaging attributes in purchase decision: a study among consumers in Penang, Malaysia. Journal of Agribusiness Marketing, 5, 14-28. FAMA.
  13.  Wong, W.P., Gholipour, H.F. & Bazrafshan, E. (2012). How efficient are Real Estate and Construction Companies in Iran's close economy? International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 16(4), 392-413.  [SSCI Impact factor: 1.62]
  14.  Tan, S.Y., Idrus, R. & Wong, W.P. (2012). Misfits between manufacturing resource planning (MRPII) system and manufacturing environment: a misfit-inviability model. Advanced Materials Research, 383, 6784-6791. [Scopus].
  15.  Kuah, C.T., Wong, K.Y. & Wong, W.P. (2012). Monte Carlo Data Envelopment Analysis with Genetic Algorithm for Knowledge Management performance measurement. Expert Systems with an Application, 39(10), 9348-9358. [SSCI Impact factor: 2.203]
  16.  Wong, W.P., Lee, L.H. & Jaruphongsa, W. (2011). Budget Allocation for Effective Data Collection in Predicting an Accurate DEA Efficiency Score. IEEE Transactions on Automatic and Control, 56(6), 1235-1246. [SSCI Impact factor: 2.11]
  17.  Wong, W.P. & Wong, K.Y. (2011). Supply Chain Management, Knowledge Management and their linkages towards firm performance. Business Process Management Journal, 17(6), 940-964. [Scopus]
  18.  Wong, W.P. (2011). A DCBA-DEA methodology for selecting suppliers with supply risk. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 8(3), 296-312. [Scopus]
  19.  Soh, K.L., Chan, K.L. & Wong, W.P. (2011). Adoption of Biometric Technology in Online Applications. International Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 3(2), 121-146. [EBSCO, Proquest]
  20.  Deng, Q., Wong, W.P., Hooy, C.W., Cui, X.M. (2011). An Engineering Method to Measure the Bank Productivity Effect in Malaysia during 2001-2008, Systems Engineering Procedia, 2, 1-11. [Scopus]
  21.  Chuah, P.L., Wong, W.P., Ramayah, T. & Jantan, M. (2010). Organizational context, supplier management practices and supplier performance: a case study of a multinational company in Malaysia. Journal of Enterprise Infromation Management, 23(6), 724-758. [Scopus]
  22.  Wong, W.P. (2009). Performance Evaluation of Supply Chain in Stochastic Environment: Using a Simulation Based DEA Framework. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 1(2-3), 203-228. [DBLP]
  23.  Wong, W.P. & Wong, K.Y. (2008). Supply Chain Performance Measurement System using DEA Modeling. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 107(3), 361-381. [SCI Impact factor: 1.472]
  24.  Wong, W.P. & Wong, K.Y. (2008). A Review on Benchmarking of Supply Chain Performance Measures. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 15(1), 25-51. [Scopus].
  25.  Wong, W.P., Jaruphongsa, W. & Lee, L.H. (2008). Supply Chain performance measurement system: A Monte Carlo DEA-based approach. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 3(2), 162-188. [Scopus]
  26.  Wong, W.P., Jaruphongsa, W. & Lee, L.H. (2007). A Preliminary Study on using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in Measuring Supply Chain Efficiency. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, 1(2), 188-207. [Scopus]
  27.  Nasurdin, A.M., Wong, W.P. Jantan, M. & Ramayah, T. (2005). Influence of Employee Involvement in Total Productive Maintenance Practices on Job Characteristics - The Malaysian Scenario. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 7(3), 287-300.

Selected Publications in Books and Book Chapters:

  1.  Tan, S.Y., Idrus, R. & Wong, W.P. (2014). ERP Misfit-Reduction Strategies: When are System Modification and Organizational Adaptation Appropriate? In M. Tavana, Developing Business Strategies and Identifying Risk Factors in Modern Organizations, IGI-Global, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4666-4860-9.
  2.  Deng, Q., Wong, W.P. & Hooy, C.W. (2013). DCBA-MPI: A simulation based technique in optimizing an accurate Malmquist Productivity Index. In Gao, D., Advances in Global Optimization, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-08376-6.
  3.  Wong, W.P. (2013). Management Science Formula Book, Pearson, Malaysia. ISBN:978-967-349-289-3.


  1. With Motorola Inc., Malaysia. Contract Research:  Manufacturing Performance in Lean Transformation Program (Oct 2011 – Sep 2012)
  2. With Citi and Dell – Seminar on “The Service Enterprise: The Role of the University” (30 Sept  2010)



  1. Endeavour Executive Fellowship 2015, Australian Government.
  2. Excellent Service Award 2013, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  3. Outstanding Paper Award, 2013, International Society of Business Innovation and Technology Management (ISBITM), United Kingdom.
  4. Hall of Fame Award 2012 (Publication Category), Universiti Sains Malaysia.
  5. Hall of Fame Award 2011 (Publication Category), Universiti Sains Malaysia.


  1. Member, Asian Academy of Management (AAM)
  2. Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

Advisory Board/Research Fellow:

  1. Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling (Inderscience)
  2. Trustee Member for ISBTM (International Society for Business Innovation & Technology Management)


  • Hits: 23320

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: som@usm.my