Siti Hasnah Hassan


Profile Dr Siti Hasnah Hassan r

Position: Associate Professor

Academic Qualifications:

Ph.D  Australian National University (Australia)
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching & Learning (University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia)
MBA (University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia)
B.Sc. (University Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia)


Room: 215
Phone: (+604) 653 5165
Fax: (+604) 657 7448


SITI HASNAH HASSAN, Ph.D. is currently an Associate Professor in the Marketing Section, School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia. She received her PhD from the Australian National University in January 2009. Her research interest is in consumer based market research areas that include Islamic marketing and branding, preventive health behaviour and wellness marketing, functional food and GM food marketing. She has published in several international and national journals including the British Food Journal, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Journal of Agribusiness Marketing, Journal of Asia Pacific Marketing and etc. She also published few book chapters and her work has been presented at competitive conferences at national and international level. She has taught Principles of Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Service Marketing, Industrial Marketing (B-to-B), Marketing Research, Advertising, Integrated Marketing Communication and Management. She is also supervising Ph.D, MA and MBA students and conducting several researches under internal and external research grants.

Research Area:

Research interests are directed primarily toward consumer behaviour research in a variety of interrelated areas such as:

  • Islamic Marketing and Branding
  • Health behaviour including prevention and health promotion.
  • Cross-cultural marketing
  • Service marketing – Spiritual tourism and travellers behaviour
  • Food marketing and functional food consumption behavior
  • Marketing for SME’s

Research Project:

On-going Research:

Research Grant

  1.  USM Research University Grant, (Principle Investigator )(RM137,710.88) Consumer Psychographic, Cause-Related Marketing Practices and Perceived Corporate Identity in Purchase Intention of CSR product: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) . From:  USM (RU), 15/7/2012-14/7/2015

  2. USM Research University Grant, (Principle Investigator )(RM149,122.08) Antecedents And Outcome Of Spiritual Tourists Experience In The Context Of Travellers Wellness Dimension. From:  USM (RU), 15/7/2012-14/7/2015

  3. Fundamental research Grant (FRGS) (Principle Investigator) (RM50,000.00). Developing and Testing Convergence Instrument for Consumption Behavioural Model in the Context
    of Muslim Consumers, 1/7/2012-31/5/2015


Completed Research:

  1. Fundamental research Grant (FRGS) (Co-Resaearcher) (RM40,000.00). A Model Of Consumer Behaviour Towards Complimentary And Alternative Medicine (CAM) Among Young Malaysian Consumer. From: Higher Education of Malaysia, 1/8/2011-31/7/2013

  2. Short-term Research Grant. (Principle Investigator) (RM39800). Title:  Muslim Consumer Values And Preferences Toward Genetically Modified Food Products. From Universiti Sains Malaysia

  3. USM Research University Grant, (Co-Resaearcher (RM138,612.40) Relationship Marketing In Tourism Destination: Determinants Influencing Repeat Foreign Tourist To Malaysia. From:  USM (RU), 1/4/2010-31/3/2012

  4. Incentive Research Grant. (Principle Investigator) (RM 5000)Title:  Functional Food Consumption Model for Malay Muslim in Malaysia. From Universiti Sains Malaysia

  5. Graduate Research Grant. (AUD$5000). Title: Functional Food Consumption in Multicultural Society. PhD dissertation From School of Management, Marketing and International Business, Australian National University (

  6. Siti Hasnah Hassan (Principle Investigator) (RM20000). Title: Halal Certifications In Advertisements: It’s Impact On The Company, Advert, and Brand.. From University Malaysia Sarawak (

  7. Siti Hasnah Hassan (Co-Investigator).(RM20000).Title: A Study On The Internet Utilization By Students In Higher Institutions in Sarawak From: University Malaysia Sarawak (

  8. Siti Hasnah Hassan (Principle Investigator) (RM15000). Title: Evaluation of Information Sources for SMI Executives in the Business-to-Business Sector. From University Malaysia Sarawak (


Selected Publications in Journals:

  1.  Siti Hasnah Hassan (2014). The Role of Islamic Values on Green Purchase Intention. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 5(3).
  2.  Siti Hasnah Hassan (2014). Effects of Religious Behavior on Health-Related Lifestyles of Muslims in Malaysia. Journal of Religion and Health, 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s10943-014-9861-z
  3.  Siti Hasnah Hassan, Haslenna Hamdan (2013).Experience of Non-Muslim Consumers on Halal as Third Party Certification Mark in Malaysia .Asian Social Science. Vol 9 (15). p263
  4.  Siti Hasnah Hassan, Malliga Marimuthu & Ernest Cyril de Run. (2013). Conceptualizing Convergence and Divergence of Muslim Consumption behaviour in Malaysia. Indian Journal of Management Science, Vol 3 (4). p.42
  5.  Siti Hasnah Hassan, Lee Wai Leng and Wong Wai Peng (2012). The Influence Of Food Product Packaging Attributes In Purchase Decision: A Study Among Consumers In Malaysia, Journal of Agribusiness Marketing, Vol 2.
  6.  Siti Hasnah Hassan Haslenna Hamdan. (2012). Means-End Chain Approach to Study Muslim Consumers Values and Preference towards Genetically Modified (GM) Food in Malaysia, International Journal of Arts and Commerce. Vol 1 p: 319-327
  7.  Hassan, S. H. (2011). Consumption of Functional Food Model for Malay Muslims in Malaysia’. Journal of Islamic Marketing. Vol 2(2).
  8.  Hassan, S. H. (2011). Managing Conflicting Values in Functional Food Consumption: The Malaysian Experience. British Food Journal. Vol 113 (8). p1045 - 1059
  9.  Hassan, S. H. & Mustapha, Y. A. (2010). Malaysian Consumer Knowledge and Preferred Information Sources in Selecting Functional Foods. Journal of Agribusiness Marketing. Vol.3.
  10.  De Run, E. C. & Hassan, S. H. (2003). Evaluation of Information Sources: A Case Study of Sarawakian Business-To-Business Elite Managers. Journal of Asia Pacific Marketing, Vol. 2 (2), p: 56-72.


Competitive Conference Proceedings:

  1.  Hassan, S. H., Thurasamy, R., Mohamed, O., & Anuar, M. M. (2014, 12-14 August). E-Lifestyle, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty among the Generation Y Mobile Users Paper presented at the Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe) Langkawi, Malaysia
  2.  Hassan, S. H., Zainal, S. R. M., & Mohamed, O. (2014, 12-14 August). Conceptualizing the Well-being of Religious Travellers Paper presented at the Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe) Langkawi, Malaysia
  3.  Hassan, S. H (2013). The Role of Islamic Values on the Green Purchase Intention of Malaysian Middle Class Muslims. Paper presented in the 4th Global Islamic Marketing. Istanbul, Turkey on 29-30 May 2013
  4.  Hassan, S. H (2013). Conceptualizing the Converge and Divergence of Muslim Consumption Behavior in Malaysia. Paper presented in the 4th Global Islamic Marketing. Istanbul, Turkey on 29-30 May 2013
  5.  Siti Hasnah Hassan, 2012, The Role of Oral Traditions in Functional Food Consumption: The Experiences of the Malay, Chinese and Indian Ethnic Groups in Malaysia, , Persidangan Serantau Kearifan Tempatan 2012: Regional Conference on Local Knowledge (RCLK) Merekayasa Tempatan Ke Arah Ilmu Baharu, Pulau Jerjak, 15/10/2012- 16/10/2012
  6.  Malliga Marimuthu Siti Hasnah Hassan (2012). Translating Local Knowledge of Traditional Medicine into Complementary Alternate Medicine. Persidangan Serantau Kearifan Tempatan 2012: Regional Conference on Local Knowledge (RCLK) Merekayasa Tempatan Ke Arah Ilmu Baharu. Pulau Jerjak, Penang. 15/10/2012- 16/10/2012
  7.  Hassan, S. H (2012). Religiosity in Health Related Lifestyle Behaviour: Study of Muslims in Malaysia. Paper presented in the 2nd Global Islamic Marketing. Abu Dhabi, Rotana Park Hotel, UAE on 17-18 January. (Best Paper Award: USD $3000)
  8.  Hassan, S. H., & Hamdan, H. (2011, 23rd - 25th August). Means – End Chain Approach to Study Muslim Consumers’ Values and Preference toward Genetically Modified Food Product. Paper presented at the Real Evidence Please Stand Up: Politicising Qualitative Research Cairns, Australia On The 23rd, 24th And 25th August 2011.
  9.  Hassan, S. H. (2011). Functional food consumption models for multicultural society – Malays, Chinese and Indians in Malaysia. In: Patterson, A. and Oakes, S. (eds) Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2011: Marketing Fields Forever, Academy of Marketing, Liverpool.
  10.  Hassan, S. H., (2010). Consumption Of Functional Food Model For Malay Muslims In Malaysia. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Islamic Marketing & Branding: Exploring Issues and Challenge, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (29-30 November 2010) (Best Paper Award: RM200)
  11.  Hilmi, M. F., Ramayah, T., Mustapha, Y., & Hassan, S. H. (2010, October 4, 2010). Exploring Human Capital of Malaysian SMEs. Paper presented at the 2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - Humanities & Commercial Applications.
  12.  Hassan, S. H., Mohd Kamal, K.A., & Mort, S. G. (2007). Functional Food Consumption in Multi-Cultural Society: A Study of Cultural Values Convergence in Malaysia. Paper presented at the Academy of Marketing 2007: Marketing Theory into Practice, Kingston Business School at Royal Holloway Conference Centre, Egham, Surrey, UK.


Selected Publications in Books and Book Chapters:

  1. Hassan, S. H. (2011). Understanding Preference Formation of Functional Food among Malaysian Muslims. In O. Sandikci & G. Rice (Eds.), Handbook of Islamic Marketing Edward Elgar Publishing.
  2. Hassan, S. H., Dann, S., Mohd Kamal, A. K., Nicholls, D. (2009). Market Opportunities from Cultural Value Convergence and Functional Food: The Experiences of the Malaysian Marketplace. In A. Lindgreen & M. Hingley (Eds.), The New Cultures of Food: Marketing Opportunities from Ethnic, Religious and Cultural Diversity: Gower. p223-242
  3. Hassan, S. H., Mohd Kamal, A. K., Dann, S., & De Run, C. E. (2009). Influence of the Halal Certification Mark in Food Product Advertisements in Malaysia. In A. Lindgreen & M. Hingley (Eds.), The New Cultures of Food: Marketing Opportunities from Ethnic, Religious and Cultural Diversity: Gower. p.243-261


  1. Motorola Penang
  2. Jabatan Penjara Malaysia




Best Paper Award

  1. Religiosity in Health Related Lifestyle Behaviour: Study of Muslims in Malaysia. Paper presented in the 2nd Global Islamic Marketing. Abu Dhabi, Rotana Park Hotel. (Certificate and USD$3000.00)
  2. Consumption of Functional Food Model for Malay Muslims In Malaysia. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Islamic Marketing & Branding: Exploring Issues and Challenge, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (29-30 November 2010). (Certificate and RM200.00)


Academy of Marketing, UK


  • Hits: 18363

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
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