Dr. Zubir Azhar
Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic Qualifications:
PhD (Manchester, UK)
CPA (Australia)
MAcc (UiTM, Malaysia)
BAcc (UiTM, Malaysia)
Room: E43-217
Phone: (+604)653 2332
Fax: (+604)657 7448
Email: zubirazhar@usm.my
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Dr Zubir Azhar is Accounting Chairperson and Senior Lecturer at the School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He is a Council Member of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), a Fellow Member of CPA (Australia) and a Chartered Accountant (CA) of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), and ASEAN Chartered Professional Accountant (ACPA). He obtained his PhD from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom in 2015. He teaches various subjects such as management accounting (both fundamental and advanced levels), integrated case study, and public sector accounting. He has more than 14 years working experience in academia, apart from his practical accounting experience in the industry since 2002. Prior to joining USM in January 2016, he was a Tutor for an academic programme at Murdoch University, Australia (between 2006 and 2007), and was a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Accountancy of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) (between 2007 and 2016). Throughout his academic career, he has developed his research interests in the areas of Accounting for Service Organisations (e.g., Airports, Hospitals, Universities, and Microfinance Institutions), Management Control Systems (MCS), Financial Management in Private and Public Sectors, Shared Services Centre (SSC), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, and Performance Measurement Systems (PMS). He has published and presented his research work in various journals and conferences locally and internationally. He was an assessor of the 2015 Global Business Challenge organised by Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), United Kingdom, and a panellist for the Experiential Lab Session at the Qualitative Research Conference (2015) organised by Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM). Currently, he is an Associate Editor for Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives (AJAP), and a reviewer for the following Scopus-indexed journals: Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting (JFRA), International Journal of Social Economics (IJSE), Asian Journal of Business and Accounting (AJBA), Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance (AAMJAF), Asian Academy of Management Journal (AAMJ), Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), and Management and Accounting Review (MAR). He has published two (2) university textbooks with Oxford University Press as a leading author on: [1] “Public Sector Accounting: Governance and Accountability in the Malaysian Context”; and [2] “Integrated Case Studies for Accounting”. In addition, he has published some e-book editions on: [1] “uCloud Accounting” and [2] “Accounting and Financial Management for Managers”. He has been actively conducting a series of workshops and training sessions on “Qualitative Research”, seminar series on: [1] “Qualitative Methodological Approaches”; [2] “Elite Interviewing” with an increasing number of audiences in some ASEAN countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, The Philippines, and Thailand, and/or webinar series: [1] ASEAN Accounting Education Workgroup (AAEW) on “The New Normal in Accounting Education in the ASEAN Region”; [2] Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia on “AI and the Future of Accounting Talents”. To date, he has delivered a series of business training programs on: [1] “Book-keeping” and [2] “Accounting for Small and Medium Business Entrepreneurs” around Kedah and Penang. He has been actively involved in the preparation of business plans for both public and private organisations.
Research Area:
Accounting for Service Organisations (e.g., Airports, Hospitals, Universities, Microfinance Institutions), Management Control Systems (MCS), Financial Management in Private and Public Sectors, Global Business Services (GBS), Shared Services Centre (SSC), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, and Performance Measurement Systems (PMS)
Research Project:
On-going Research Projects:
1. Azhar, Z., Alfan, E., Azizan, S., Ghani, E. K., Nelson, S. P., & Jalaludin, D. (2019). Enhancing IT competency amongst accounting graduates in Malaysia: Towards developing IR 4.0 DataSmart Model (FRGS project with an approved budget of RM59,500).
2. Azhar, Z., Alfan, E., & Assanah, N. H. (2020). Accrual Accounting (MAREF project with an approved budget of RM60,000).
Completed Research Projects:
1. Md Taib, F., Isa, C. R., Saleh, N. M., Darus, F., Jamal, N. M., & Azhar, Z. (2019). Accounting graduates’ competency in Malaysia: An analysis using a mixed methods approach (FRGS’s Accounting Deans Council project with an approved budget of RM60,000).
2. Pitchay, A. A., Mohd Thas Thaker, M. A., Azhar, Z., Mydin, A. A., Olaniyi, O. N., Abd Jalil, M. I., Abdullah, N. S., Yahya, S., Yusof, M. N. (2019). Proposing Awqaf Alternative Project (AAP) software application: Sustainable and future direction of Malaysia higher education” (Grant Value: RM65,200).
3. Azhar, Z., & Jalaludin, D. (2018). Multiple Responses to the Implementation of a New Business Model (USM Short-term project with an approved budget of RM19,928).
4. Pitchay, A. A., Duasa, J., Mohd Thas Thaker, M. A., Azhar, Z., Olaniyi, O. N., Masron, T. A., Yahya, S., & Ibrahim, H. (2017). Integrating cash waqf-cooperative model for sustainable development of Malaysian waqf assets (FRGS project with an approved budget of RM82,200).
5. Siti-Nabiha, A.K., Azhar, Z., & Salmi, M. I. (2016). Formulation of integrated measurement framework of microfinance institutions (FRGS project with an approved budget of RM78,200).
6. Syed Mustapha Nazri, S. N. F, Omar, N., & Azhar, Z. (2016). Measuring trade-based money laundering (TBML) risk using situational crime prevention theory (FRGS project with an approved budget of RM84,000).
7. Azhar, Z., Pitchay, A. A., & Malim, N. A. K. (2018). The diffusion of Japanese management accounting innovations in Malaysia: A comparative case study approach (Sumitomo Foundation Research Grant (Japan) with an approved budget of US$7,500).
8. Azhar, Z., Abdul Rahman, I. K., Abdul Rahman, N., Syed Yusuf, S. N., & Mohd Said, J. (2018). Management accounting best practices in public sector agencies: Towards improving corruption perception index (Accounting Research Institute project).
9. Azhar, Z., Abdul Rahman, N., & Mohd Saad, S. (2009) Developing a comprehensive cost accounting prototype (C-CAP) for service organisations in Malaysian healthcare industry (FRGS project with an approved budget of RM20,000).
10. Azhar, Z., & Mohd Sidek, N. (2008) Agriculture export performance in Malaysia (Dana Kecemerlangan project with an approved budget of RM5,000).
11. Azhar, Z., Abdul Rahman, I. K., Abdul Rahman, N., Ismail, N., & Adja Radjeman, L. (2008) Benchmarking of management accounting best practices as an alternative continuous improvement activity in health service organisations: The case of Malaysian hospitals in the Northern Region of Malaysia (FRGS project with an approved budget of RM25,000).
Selected Publications:
Hussain, M. D., Azhar, Z., Abdul Rahman, I. K. (2021 – forthcoming). Effects of board independence on microfinance institutions’ performance: The case of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives, 14(1): xx-xx (ERA-Indexed).
Azhar, Z. (2020). Institutionalising ‘High Performance Culture’ in AirSub. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 13(1): 161-187 (SCOPUS-Indexed). https://doi.org./10.22452.ajba/vol13no1.2
Wahyuni, E. T., Nindya, A., Soepriyanto, G., Avianti, I. & Azhar, Z. (2020). Firm characteristics, corporate governance, and management compensation disclosure: Evidence from Indonesia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 28(2): 745-762 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Toh, C. L., & Azhar, Z. (2020). Business model and value creation in a healthcare management setting: The case of a Malaysian non-profit hospital. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 14(1): 190-209 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Abdullah, M. A., Ahmad, A. Nayan, N. A. M., Azhar, Z., & Ahmad, A. R. (2020). Credit risk assessment models of retail microfinancing: The case of a Malaysian national savings bank’s branch. International Journal of Financial Research, 11(3): 73-83 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Ilias, A., Ghani, E. K. & Azhar, Z. (2020). Experiences to Voluntarily Adopt Malaysian Business Reporting System MBRS: A Case Study of SMPs. International Journal of Financial Research, 11(3): 1-17 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Roslan, N. A. D., Lim, T. C., & Azhar, Z. (2020). Tax assessment awareness and perception amongst grab drivers in Malaysia. Asian Academy of Management Conference (ISI-Indexed Proceeding).
Chong, J. H., Lim, T. C., & Azhar, Z. (2020). The readiness of the accountancy players for the implementation of artificial intelligence. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS), LXXXI (ICMR 2019): 237-244 (ISI-Indexed Proceeding).
Pitchay, A. A., Mohd Thas Thaker, M. A. B., Azhar, Z., Mydin, A. A., & Mohd Thas Thaker, H. B. (2020). Factors persuade individuals’ behavioral intention to opt for Islamic bank services: Malaysian depositors’ perspective. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 11(1), 234-250 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Saleh, M. S., Azhar, Z., & Azeez, B. S. (2020). The effect of forensic accounting techniques and skills on detecting and combating financial corruption. Qalaai Zanist Scientific Journal, 5(1), 148-171 (Non-SCOPUS-Indexed).
Saleh, M. S., Azhar, Z., & Azeez, B. S. (2020). Corruption and fraud detection through forensic accounting practices in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Qalaai Zanist Scientific Journal, 5(1), 329-352 (Non-SCOPUS-Indexed).
Ilias, A., Ghani, E. K. & Azhar, Z. (2019). Understanding XBRL adoption process and adoption type among regulators: A Malaysian evidence. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 7(9), 144-163 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Ilias, A., Ghani, E. K. & Azhar, Z. (2019). Factors influencing knowledge and persuasion of financial regulators in the XBRL adoption process: The technological perspective. International Journal of Financial Research, 10(3), 170-180 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Mydin, M. K. K., Pitchay, A. A., Azhar, Z. (2019). Priority of zakat fund distribution: Case of Penang. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy, 1(2), 151-165 (Non-ISI, Non-SCOPUS-Indexed).
Yeo, A. A., Lim, T. C., & Azhar, Z. (2019). Exploring Malaysian e-commerce taxation: A qualitative insight of online businesses. Journal of Contemporary Issues and Thought, 9(1), 75-85 (MyCite-Indexed).
Siti-Nabiha, A. K., Azhar, Z., & Ali-Mokhtar, M. A. (2018). Management control for microfinance: An examination of the belief system of a Malaysian microfinance provider. Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance, 14(1): 185-208 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Pitchay, A. A., Thaker, M. A. M. T., Mydin, A. A., Azhar, Z., & Abd Latif, A. R. (2018). Cooperative-waqf model: a proposal to develop idle waqf lands in Malaysia. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 10(2): 225-236 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Pitchay, A. A., Abdul Rahman, M. N. Y., Thaker, M. A. M. T., Azhar, Z., Mydin, A. A., & Abd Jalil, M. I. (2018). Proposing Awqaf Alternative Plan (AAP): The way forward & sustainable higher education financial system. International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance, 1(1): 39-58 (Non-ISI, Non-SCOPUS-Indexed).
Siti-Nabiha, A. K., Azhar, Z., Isa, S., & Siti-Nazariah, A. Z. (2018). Measuring social performance: Reconciling the tension between commercial and social logics. International Journal of Social Enterprise, 45(1): 205-222 (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Said, R., Sidek, N. Z. M., Azhar, Z., & Kamarudin, K. A. (2018). State-of-the-Art Theories and Empirical Evidence. Selected Papers from the 6th International Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics, and Social Responsibility: Springer, Singapore.
Yuliani, R. P., Siti-Nabiha, A. K., & Azhar, Z. (2018). Strategic communication and performance management system for research and development: A review of literature and proposed research agenda. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 150(1): 345-351 (Non-ISI, Non-SCOPUS-Indexed).
Siti-Nazariah, A. Z., Siti-Nabiha, A. K., & Azhar, Z. (2016). Managing social and economic performance in social enterprise. Journal of Business Management and Accounting, 6(1), 47-73 (MyCite).
Abdul Rahman, I. K., Ab Rahman, N., Azhar, Z., Omar, N., & Said, J. (2015). Management Accounting Best Practices Award for Improving Corruption in Public Sector Agencies. Procedia Economics and Finance (Elsevier), International Accounting and Business Conference (IABC) 2015, 31(1): 503-509 (ISI-Indexed).
Abdul Rahman, I. K., Azhar, Z., Abdul Rahman, N. H., & Mohd Daud, N. (2012). Strategic management accounting and benchmarking practices in Malaysian hospitals. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(3): 1665-1671 (ISSN 1819-544X) (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Ahmad, A. R., Azhar, Z., & Wan Abu Bakar, W. A. (2010). Cash-flows ratios as predictors of corporate failure. 2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA) (SCOPUS-Indexed).
Azhar, Z., & Abdul Rahman, I. K. (2009). Managerial performance measures in management accounting practices of Malaysians institutions of higher learning. Malaysian Accounting Review, 8(1): 37-61 (ISSN 1675-4077) (ERA-Indexed).
Azhar, Z., Abdul Rahman, I. K., & Syed Agil, S. K. (2009). Current mechanisms and future initiatives shaping ethical behaviour of professional accountants in Malaysia. Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) Articles of Merit Award on Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) 2009 (ISBN 978-983-40841-6-5).
Azhar, Z., & Abdul Rahman, I. K. (2008). Enhancing management accounting practices in Malaysian service organisations: What the present demands of the future? Accountants Today, December 2008: 21(12): 30-33.
Azhar, Z., & Omar, N. (2008). Organisational benchmarking: A competitive management accounting tool. Accountants Today, June 2008: 21(6): 20-22.
Abdul Rahman, I. K., Ab Rahman, N., Azhar, Z., Omar, N., & Sulaiman, S. (2019). Governance at source through management accounting benchmarking: A way forward for the public sector. Paper presented at The 15th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) Annual Conference, Doha, Qatar.
Chong, J. H., Azhar, Z., & Lim, T. C. (2019). The readiness of the accountancy players for the implementation of artificial intelligence. Paper presented at International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.
Putri, Y. R., Siti-Nabiha, A. K., & Azhar, Z. (2019). Examining performance management system in Industrial Revolution 4.0: A study at Research and Development Division of an Indonesian State-owned Enterprise. Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation (SCBTII), 15 January 2019, Bandung, Indonesia.
Azhar, Z. (2018). The institutionalisation of “high performance culture” in a Malaysian GLC’s subsidiary. Paper presented at The 9th International Conference in Management and Accounting (IMAC9), Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Azhar, Z. (2018). Amoeba management and power-responsibility interplay: A qualitative insight of a Malaysian ICT company. Paper presented at The 14th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Azhar, Z., Pitchay, A. A., Cheang, S. Y. P., & Bijami, M. (2018). Accounting information and SCM: A case of a Japanese subsidiary in Malaysia. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) (14th) Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Ibrahim, S., Shahbudin, A. S. M, & Azhar, Z. (2018). Performance management in non-profit settings: The case of two local authorities. Paper presented at Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) (14th) Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Azhar, Z., Siti-Nabiha, A. K., & Nadia, R. (2017). Performance management in non-profit settings: The case of two local authorities. Paper presented at Asian Applied Accounting and Business Conference (AAABC), Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia.
Azhar, Z. (2017). Making sense of cost accounting information in Malaysian private healthcare settings: A comparative case study. Paper presented at Asian Academy of Management Conference (AAMC), Park Royal Hotel, Penang, Malaysia.
Azhar, Z. & Lim, T. C. (2017). A review of the opportunities, risk and challenges of e-commerce tax administration in Malaysia and other selected countries. Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on E-Commerce (ICoEC), The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Azhar, Z., Pitchay, A. A., & Malim, N. A. K. (2017). Amoeba Management Outside Japan: The Case of a Japanese Corporation Operating in Malaysia. Paper presented at Annual Conference on Management and Social Science (ACMASS) 2017, Osaka, Japan.
Ilias, A., Ghani, E. K. & Azhar, Z. (2017). XBRL adoption in Malaysia: Perception of the accountants and auditors. Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on Accounting Studies (ICAS), The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Azhar, Z., Scapens, R. W. & Yang, C. L. (2016). Multiple responses to accounting change. Paper presented at Management Accounting Research Group (MARG), Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Azhar, Z., Siti-Nabiha, A. K., Isa, S. & Siti-Nazariah, A. Z. (2016). Measuring social performance of microfinance programs in three Malaysian developmental financial institutions. Paper presented at Management Accounting Research Group (MARG), Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Siti-Nazariah, A. Z., Siti-Nabiha, A. K. & Azhar, Z. (2016). Managing the social and economic performance in social enterprise: a review of literature. Paper presented at Qualitative Research Conference (QRC) 2016, Penang, Malaysia.
Ilias, A., Ghani, E. K., Azhar, Z. & Said, J. (2016). Governance issues on non-adoption of XBRL in Malaysia. Paper presented at The 2nd International Conference on Accounting Research and Education, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Scapens, R. W. & Azhar, Z. (2016). Understanding different responses to the implementation of a new business model. Paper presented at Management Accounting Research Group Conference 2016, London School of Economics, UK.
Azhar, Z., Scapens, R. W. & Yang, C. L. (2015). Reengineering, accounting change and situational logics: a comparative analysis of three subsidiaries of a Malaysian airport operator. Paper presented at The Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference (IPA) 2015, Stockholm, Sweden.
Azhar, Z. (2013). Management accounting innovations for corporate reengineering: an interpretive case study of a government-linked company in Malaysia. Paper presented at the Emerging Scholars’ Colloquium in conjunction with the Seventh Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting (APIRA) Conference, Kobe, Japan.
Azhar, Z. (2011). Management accounting innovations for value creation. Paper presented at the Doctoral Conference, Manchester, UK.
Ahmad, A. R., Azhar, Z. & Wan Abu Bakar, W. A. (2010). Cash-flows ratios as predictors of corporate failure. Paper presented at the 2010 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ISIEA) (Indexed by SCOPUS), Penang, Malaysia.
Ismail, N., Adja Radjeman, L., Azhar, Z., Abdul Rahman, N. H. & Mohd Saad, S. (2010). A conceptual analysis of conventional and Islamic accounting models. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences and Technology (iCAST 2010), Penang, Malaysia, Volume: ISBN 978-983-44499-1-9.
Wan Omar, M., Mohd Ali, M. N. & Azhar, Z. (2010). A model of brand loyalty measurement for Islamic banking system. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences and Technology (iCAST 2010), Penang, Malaysia, Volume: ISBN 978-983-44499-1-9.
Azhar, Z., Ibrahim, S. & Wan Omar, M. (2010). Financial information disclosure of e-commerce activities in Malaysian public listed companies. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences and Technology (iCAST 2010), Penang, Malaysia, Volume: ISBN 978-983-44499-1-9.
Azhar, Z., Abu Bakar, S. S. & Wan Abdullah, W. F. (2009). Issues and challenges of self-assessment system (SAS): after eight years of implementation in Malaysia. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Public Policy and Social Science 2010 (ICoPS 2010), Kedah, Malaysia, ISBN: 978-983-44499-2-6.
Azhar, Z. & Yaacob, Z. (2009). Applying experiential classroom learning techniques in the Accounting Information Systems course: a study of practices and attitudes in Malaysian universities. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching (CoLT 2009), Penang, Malaysia.
Azhar, Z. & Abdul Rahman, I. K. (2008). Ethics in Malaysian accounting profession: perceptions of accounting practitioners. Paper presented at The 2008 North American Accounting Society (NAAS) - MBAA International Conference (ISSN 0513-5227-4), Chicago, IL, USA.
Azhar, Z. & Abdul Rahman, I. K. (2007). A preliminary study on the performance measurement of Malaysian higher learning institutions in providing management accounting functions. Paper presented at the Global Academy of Business and Economic Research Issues in Global Research in Business and Economics (Library of Congress ISSN NO. 1940-5391), Bangkok, Thailand.
Selected Publications in Newspaper, Book and Book Chapters:
Azhar, Z., Lim, T. C., Lok, C. L., & Phua, L. K. (2018). Closing the study gap. The Star (4 November 2018).
Azhar, Z., Norhashim, M., Ahmad, Z., & Mohamed, M. (2018). Public Sector Accounting: Governance and Accountability in the Malaysian Context, Oxford University Press (ISBN: 9789834728199).
Azhar, Z., Abdul-Aziz, R., Aman, A., & Rajamanoharan, I. D. (2019). Integrated Case Studies for Accounting, Oxford University Press (ISBN: 9789834730369).
Chapter in a Book
Azhar, Z. (2020). Insights into Accounting Education in a COVID-19 World: Malaysia: In Sangster, A., Stoner, G., & Flood, B. (2020). Insights into Accounting Education in a COVID-19 World, Accounting Education, 1-132, Taylor and Francis (https://doi.org/10.1080/09639284.2020.1808487).
Azhar, Z. (2019). Budgeting: In Phua, L. K., Jalaludin, D., Lok, C. L. (2019). Accounting and Financial Management for Managers (e-book), Pearson.
Azhar, Z. (2019). Variance Analysis: In Phua, L. K., Jalaludin, D., Lok, C. L. (2019). Accounting and Financial Management for Managers (e-book), Pearson.
Azhar, Z., & Lim, T. C. (2019). Module 1: Business and Taxation Landscapes in Malaysia (e-book), CDAE, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Consultancies with INSPIN (Kedah) (Years 2007, 2008 & 2009)
Project: Preparing Business Plans for 2007, 2008 & 2009
Authors: Azhar, Z.
Achievement: Best Paper Award (2018)
Title of the Product: The institutionalisation of “high performance culture” in a Malaysian GLC’s subsidiary
Awarding Body: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia – The 9th International Conference in Management and Accounting (IMAC9)
Recipient: Zubir Azhar
Achievement: Excellent Staff Award (2017)
Title of the Product: Anugerah Pekerja Cemerlang (2017)
Awarding Body: Universiti Sains Malaysia
Authors: Azhar, Z., Siti-Nabiha, A. K., & Rizka, N.
Achievement: Best Paper Award (2017)
Title of the Product: Performance management in non-profit settings: The case of two local authorities
Awarding Body: Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia – Asian Applied Accounting and Business Conference (AAABC) 2017
Authors: Ilias, A., Ghani, E. K., & Azhar, Z.
Achievement: Best Paper Award (2017)
Title of the Product: XBRL Adoption in Malaysia: Perception of the Accountants and Auditors
Awarding Body: Universiti Utara Malaysia – The 4th International Conference on Accounting Studies (ICAS) 2017
Recipient: Zubir Azhar
Achievement: Member Recognition Award (2016)
Title of the Product: CPA Australia Member Recognition Award
Awarding Body: CPA Australia
Authors: Azhar, Z., Abdul Rahman, I. K. & Syed Agil, S. K.
Achievement: Articles of Merit Award on Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) 2009 (Bronze Award)
Title of the Product: Current mechanisms and future initiatives shaping ethical behaviour of professional accountants in Malaysia
Awarding Body: Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)
Professional Bodies
- ASEAN Chartered Accountant (since 2018)
- Certified Practising Accountant of CPA Australia (since 2006)
- Chartered Accountant of Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) (since 2008)
Committee Member (Conference/Seminar/Workshop)
- Secretary, Sports & Social Club (KSS), School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2018-2019)
- Conference Discussant at the Global Academy of Business and Economic Research (GABER), Bangkok, Thailand (2007) (International Conference)
- Conference Discussant at the North American Accounting Society (NAAS)-MBAA International Conference, USA (2008) (International Conference)
- Conference Discussant at Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference (IPA), Stockholm, Sweden (2015) – Conference Discussant (International Conference)
- Co-Chair of the 6thlnternational Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility (iConGFESR) 2015 in collaboration with Trakya University, Turkey (2015)
- Conference Moderator at the 6thInternational Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility , Park Royal Hotel Penang, Malaysia (2015)
- Conference Moderator at ASEAN Accounting Education Conference (ACAE), Sunway University, Malaysia (2015)
Special Appointments
- External Advisor for the School of Accounting and Finance (SAF) Accounting Programmes, Asia Pacific University (2021)
- Committee Member of Curriculum Advisory Board, Peninsula College Georgetown, Penang (2019)
- Global Business Services (GBS) Trainer, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2019)
- Committee Member, Special Working Group (SWG) on Professional Pathway for Accounting Graduates, Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) (2019)
- Member, Accounting Deans Council (2019 – Present)
- Mentor, Universiti Sains Malaysia Delegate for ICAEW (Malaysia) Business Challenge (2019)
- Mentor, Universiti Sains Malaysia Delegate for HSBC-Enactus Malaysia Business Case Competition (2019)
- External Examiner, KDU Penang University College, Malaysia (2018)
- Mentor, Universiti Sains Malaysia Delegate for HSBC-Enactus Malaysia Business Case Competition (2018)
- Mentor, Universiti Sains Malaysia Delegate for HSBC-Enactus Malaysia Business Case Competition (2017)
- Mentor, Universiti Sains Malaysia Delegate for Dell Business Challenge 2017 – Champion (2017)
- Speaker, Student Apprentice Programme under “University-Community Engagement Grant” – Individual Financial Planning & Corporate Financial Planning) – Industrial and Community Linkages, BJIM, USM (2017)
- Blueprint Preparer/Committee Member, Strengthening Professional Accounting Curriculum Structure Blueprint (1st Series), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur (2017) – Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) & Accounting Deans Council (National Level)
- Blueprint Preparer/Committee Member, Strengthening Professional Accounting Curriculum Structure Blueprint (2nd Series), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Selangor (2017) – Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) & Accounting Deans Council (National Level)
- Speaker at the Seminar on Corporate Governance and Integrity for Public Sector (Topic: Management Accounting Best Practices Enhance Employees Accountability in Public Sector) organised by Accounting Research Institute (MOHE’s centre of excellence) – International Level (2015)
Graduated (School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Postgraduate Supervision (MRes) (Main Supervisor)
Toh Cher Lert (2018 – 2020)
Balancing between the Social and Commercial Objectives of Non-profit Private Hospitals
Postgraduate Supervision (PhD) (Co-Supervisor)
Suraiya Binti Ibrahim (2016 – 2019)
The Role of Performance Management in Meeting Accountability Commitment: A Case Study of Malaysian Humanitarian and Medical Relief NGO
Graduated (Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq)
Postgraduate Supervision (PhD) (Co-Supervisor – External)
Bayan Sedeeq Azeez (2019 – 2020)
An Assessment of the Need for Forensic Accounting in Preventing and Detecting Financial Fraud and Corruption in Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Graduated (Faculty of Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA)
Postgraduate Supervision (PhD) (Co-Supervisor – External)
Azleen Binti Alias (2014 – 2019)
Drivers and Challenges of XBRL Adoption Process in Malaysia: Experiences of Four Regulators in the Financial Reporting Environment
Graduated (Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
Postgraduate Supervision (MBA) (Co-Supervisor)
Mohd Aatif Bin Ali Mokhtar (2016 – 2017)
Leveraging on Management Control System (MCS) in achieving Organisational Objective: The Case of Microfinance Department of a Development Financial Institution (DFI)
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