Dr. Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen
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Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic Qualifications:
PhD (Technology Management) (USM)
B. Mgmt (Hons) (USM)
Room: L10-03 Desasiswa Indah Kembara
Phone: (+604) 653 5283
Fax: (+604) 657 7448
Email: jasmine@usm.my
Jasmine A.L. Yeap holds a PhD in technology management, an MBA and a Bachelor of Management degree specialising in Marketing from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). She joined the School of Management, USM as a lecturer in 2015 and teaches marketing-related subjects. Prior to that, she has worked with numerous researchers under diverse research projects ranging from topics in marketing, organisational behaviour, psychometrics and technology management to strategic planning in education.She is actively involved in research having most of her works published in journals of repute as well as presented at both local and international conferences. Her research areas include technology implementation, adoption and diffusion; social media and its impact; retailing as well as consumer behaviour.
Research Area:
Technology implementation, adoption and diffusion
Social media and business/social impact
Retail marketing and management
Consumer and buyer behaviour
Research Project:
Ongoing research
- What Drives Malaysian Consumers’ Affinity With Japanese Retail Brands? A Field Study on Uniqlo and Daiso, The Sumitomo Foundation Fiscal 2014 Grant for Japan-Related Research Projects, April 2015 to March 2016. [Principal researcher]
- Validation of A Facebook Addiction Scale and Academic Engagement, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), July 2014 – June 2016. [Co-researcher]
Completed research
- Extent of Knowledge Sharing Among Academicians: Modelling the Anti-Thesis of Sharing, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), October 2007 – October 2009. [Co-researcher]
- Online Recommendation Systems: The Potential & Possibilities of Word-of-Mouth on the Internet Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), September 2007 – August 2009. [Co-researcher]
Selected Publications:
- Jasmine A.L. Yeap, T. Ramayah & Pedro Soto-Acosta (2016). Factors propelling the adoption of m-learning among students in higher education. Electronic Markets. DOI 10.1007/s12525-015-0214-x . (ISI)
- Jasmine A.L. Yeap, T. Ramayah, Sherah Kurnia, Hasliza Abdul Halim, & Noor Hazlina Ahmad (2015). The Assessment of Internet Addiction Among University Students: Some Findings from a Focus Group Study. Tehnički Vjesnik – Technical Gazette, Vol. 22, No.1, pp.105-111. (ISI)
- T. Ramayah, Jasmine A.L. Yeap & Joshua Ignatius (2014). Assessing Knowledge Sharing Among Academics: A Validation of the Knowledge Sharing Behaviour Scale (KSBS). Evaluation Review, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 160-187. (ISI)
- Jasmine A.L. Yeap, Joshua Ignatius & T. Ramayah (2014). Determining Consumers’ Most Preferred eWOM Platform for Movie Reviews: A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach. Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 31(February), pp. 250-258. (ISI)
- T. Ramayah, Jasmine A.L. Yeap & Joshua Ignatius (2013). An Empirical Inquiry on Knowledge Sharing Among Academicians In Higher Learning Institutions. Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy, Vol. 51, No.2, pp. 131-154. (ISI)
- T. Ramayah, Osman Mohamad, Azizah Omar, Malliga Marimuthu & Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen (2013). Determinants of Technology Adoption among Malaysian SMEs: An IDT Perspective. Journal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT), Vol. 12, pp.103-119. (SCOPUS)
- Joshua Ignatius, Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen, T. Ramayah, Chai Kah Hin & Muhamad Jantan (2012). The Impact of Technological Learning on NPD Outcomes: The Moderating Effect of Project Complexity. Technovation: The International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, Vol. 32, No. 7-8, pp. 452-463. (ISI)
- Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen, Ramayah Thurasamy & Azizah Omar (2012). Engaging Millennials in an Evolving Web Environment: Some Key Points for E-Retailers. Business Strategy Series, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 111-117. (SCOPUS)
- Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen & T. Ramayah (2011). Validation of the RSQS in Apparel Specialty Stores. Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp.16-18. (SCOPUS)
- Joshua Ignatius, Adli Mustafa, Muhamad Jantan, Chee Peng Lim, T. Ramayah & Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen (2011). A Multi-Objective Sensitivity Approach to Training Providers’ Evaluation and Quota Allocation Planning. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.147-174. (ISI)
Selected Publications in Book and Book Chapters:
- Bryan Soh Yuen Liew, T. Ramayah & Jasmine A.L. Yeap (2015). Market Orientation, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Implementation Intensity, and CRM Performance: A Structural Model. In H.R. Kaufman (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Managing and Influencing Consumer Behavior (pp. 149-172). Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: Business Science Reference. (IGI Global)
- Jasmine A.L. Yeap, T. Ramayah, Osman Mohamad, Malliga Marimuthu (2014). Exporting vs. Domestic SMEs in Malaysia: Do Differences in Technology Adoption and Perceptions Exist? In P. Ordóñez de Pablos (Ed.), International Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship: An Information Technology Perspective (pp. 276-293), Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: Business Science Reference. (IGI Global)
- T. Ramayah, Joshua Ignatius, Jasmine A.L. Yeap & Lo May Chiun (2014). Chapter 9 Discriminant Analysis. In J. I. Barragués, A. Morais, & J. Guisasola (Eds.) Probability and Statistics: A Didactic Introduction (pp. 384-415), Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press.
- T. Ramayah, Osman Mohamad, Azizah Omar, Malliga Marimuthu & Jasmine Yeap Ai Leen (2013). Green Manufacturing Practices and Performance among SMEs: Evidence From A Developing Nation. In P. Ordóñez de Pablos (Ed.), Green Technologies and Business Practices: An IT Approach (pp. 208-225), Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: Information Science Reference. (IGI Global)
Special Appointments
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