Dr. Ainul Mohsein Binti Abdul Mohsin

Dr Ain Abdul Mohsin

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic Qualifications:

PhD (Competitive Intelligence) (USM)
B.B.A Finance & Marketing (University of Iowa, USA)


Room: E43-2-42
Phone: (+604) 653 2317
Fax:     (+604) 657 7448
Email:  ainabdulmohsin@usm.my


Ainul is a senior lecturer at School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia. She received her PhD from the same university. She is attached to the Department of International Business. She has 15 years of  corporate experience from various industries. Her work experience varies from the financial sector, international non-profit organisation, manufacturing sector, shared services sector organisation and consultancy.  She has work in Malaysia and abroad. Her interest in research are in competitive intelligence, change management, entrepreneurial competencies, and innovative performance.

Research Area:

Competitive Intelligence, Strategic Management, International Human Resource, Change Management, Entrepreneurial Competencies, Human Resource Competency, Market Orientation, Innovative Performance

Research Project:

Ongoing research

Completed research


Selected Publications:



 "Developing the Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation, Strategic Competency Behaviour and Competitive Intelligence in the Innovation-led Economy". ISBN 978-967-11542. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Conference AEC 2012. Kuala, Lumpur, Malaysia. 5-6 November 2012. Organised by: MASMED Unversiti Teknologi MARA & Ministry of Education, Malaysia

"Delving into the Issues of Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation and Market Orientation Among the SMEs - A Conceptual Paper". ISBN 978-16299-31074. International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Science 2012. 1-2 December 2012. Jakarta, Indonesia. Organised by: JIBES School of Informatics Management and Computing, Jakarta Indonesia.

"Competitive Intelligence among SMEs: Assessing the Role of Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation on Innovation Performance". ISBN 978-605-64002-6-1. 13th EBES Conference. 5-7 June 2014. Istanbul, Turkey. Organised by: Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi, Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi and Istanbul Economik.

"Leveraging on Entrepreneurial Competencies and Innovative Performance: Is Competitive Intelligence a Missing Link" e-ISBN 978-983-2078-93-7. Knowledge Management International Conference 2014. 12-15 August 2014. Langkawi, Malaysia. Organised by: College of Arts & Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia and Rangsit University, Thailand.

"Competitive Intelligence Among SMEs: Assessing the Role of Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation on Innovation Performance". 2nd International Symposium on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling - The Conference for PLS Users 2015. 16-19 June 2015. Seville, Spain. Organised by: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales - Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.

"Assessing the Role of Entrepreneurial Competencies on Innovation Performance: A Partial Least Squares (PLS) Approach" ISBN 928-967-394-227-5. The 11th Asian Academy of Management International Conference 2015. 2-4 October 2015. Penang, Malaysia. Organised by: School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia.


Selected Publications in Book and Book Chapters:

 Abdul-Mohsin, Ainul Mohsein, Abdul-Halim, Hasliza, & Ahmad, Noor Hazlina. (2012). Delving into the Issues of Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation and Market Orientation among the SMEs—A Conceptual Paper. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 65, 731-736. SCOPUS cited publication

Abdul-Mohsin, Ainul Mohsein, Abdul-Halim, Hasliza, & Ahmad, Noor Hazlina (2015). Competitive Intelligence Among SMEs: Assessing the role of entrepreneurial attitude orientation on innovation performance, Innovation, Finance and Economy. Proceedings of the 13th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference Series:Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics, Vol. 1, in Bilgin, M.H.,Danis, H.,Demir, E.,Lau, C.K.M. (Eds.). (15-22) ISBN 978-3-319-15879-2






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School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
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