Prof. Dr. Noor Hazlina Ahmad


Prof Dr Noor Hazlina bt Ahmad r

Position: Professor

Academic Qualifications:

B. HSc (IIUM, Malaysia),
MBA (USM, Malaysia),
Ph.D (Adelaide, Australia)


Room: No 115
Phone: (+604)653 3355
Fax: (+604)657 7448
Email: or


NOOR HAZLINA AHMAD, Ph.D. is a Professor at the School of Management USM. She joined the university after completing her PhD at the University of Adelaide, Australia. She teaches entrepreneurship and organisational behaviour related subjects. She also supervises PhD and MA students in the field of entrepreneurship and SMEs. Currently, she serves as the President of the Asian Academy of Management and sits on the editorial board of the Asian Academy of Management Journal. She has served as a visiting professor and external assessor at the Management & Science University. She is also actively involved with consultation programs and served as a facilitator for community, entrepreneurship and leadership projects. Hazlina has published her research works in high impact journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Management Decision, Service Business, Social Indicator Research, and Journal of Education Technology & Society as well as other indexed international journals including the Journal of Asia Pacific Business, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing as well the Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research. Her research interests are in the areas of Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Organisational Behaviour.

Research Area:

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Entrepreneurial Competencies, and Organizational Behaviour

Research Project:



Toray Industries Research Grant (RM61,000),  Sept 2015 – August 2020 [as co researcher]
Title: Toray Corporate Branding: Investigating the Public Awareness of Toray Brand


Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (RM50,000), 1st July 2014 – 30th June 2016 [as principal researcher]
Title: Modelling Green Entrepreneurship Proclivity towards Green Economy among Generation Y Nascent Entrepreneurs


Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (RM65,190), 1st July 2014 – 30th June 2016 [as co-researcher]
Title: The ‘Base-Of-Pyramid Community Readiness: Towards an Inclusive Entrepreneurship Framework for “Rural Transformation Agenda” Unlocking the “Base-Of Pyramid” Readiness.


Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (RM96,000), 1st July 2014 – 30th June 2016 [as co-researcher]
Title: Validation of a Facebook Addiction Scale and Academic Engagement among Millennial Undergraduates


Research University Grant (RM111, 530.00), 1st Dec 2013 – 31st Nov 2016 [as co-researcher]
Title: Innovative Culture As an Enabler: Bolstering Innovative Performance for Malaysian SMEs.


Research University Grant (RM111,530.00), 1st Dec 2013 – 31st Nov 2016 [as co-researcher]
Title: A Study of small and medium enterprises owner’s intention to adopt e-commerce in Malaysia




Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (RM50,000), April 2012 – March 2014 [as co researcher]
Title: Nurturing Pioneering Minds towards Innovation-Based Economy: Leveraging the Innovative Performance of Human Capital through Social Embeddedness and Pro-Innovative Architecture


Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (RM50,000), 15th August 2011 – 14th August 2013 [as principal researcher]
Title: Towards an Integrated Model of Silver Entreprenurship Success: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Factors and the Ecosystem for Productive Aging


Research University (145,416.00), Duration 15 Dec 2012 – 14 Dec 2014 [as principal researcher]
Title: Creating an Entrepreneurial Ecosphere within Higher Learning Institutions: Towards a Model of Entrepreneurial University


Research University (RM84,868.94), 15 April 2010 – 14 April 2013 [as principal researcher]
Title: Apex University Research Agenda (AURA – Governance)


Research University Grant (RM99,990), 2011 – 2013 [as co researcher]
Title: Outsourcing and Its Impact on Organizational Performance: A Study of Small and Medium-Sized Organizations.


Research University (RM73,775.00), 2010-2012 [as principal researcher]
Title: Determinants of Intrapreneurial Behaviour: The Effects of Individual and Organisational Factors.


Research University Grant (RM110,000), Dec 2011 – November 2014 [as co researcher]
Title: A Comprehensive Model Linking Human Resources Management Practices and Service-oriented organisational citizenship behaviours


Research University Grant (RM80,000), 2009-2011 [as co researcher]
Title: Predictors and Outcomes of Work and Family Balance among Entrepreneurs.


Ngee-Ann Adelaide Business School Research Grant , Grant no/Code: 13105755, 1st Jan 2009 – 31st June 2010 [as co researcher]
Title: The Impact of Business Incubators on Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies.


AKEPT grant, 15 July 2009 – 15 July 2010 [as co researcher]
Title: Public Universities’ Succession Planning Practices in Identifying and Developing Young 


Selected Publications:


Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Hasliza Abdul Halim, T Ramayah (accepted, 2015). Dilemma towards an Entrepreneurial University Ideal: The Prevailing Academic Tensions. Croatian Journal of Education [ISI Indexed Impact Factor 0.034] ISSN: 1848-5197

Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Hasliza Abdul Halim, T Ramayah, SA Rahman (2015). Green Entrepreneurship Inclination among Gen Y: The Road towards a Green Economy. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 13 (2), 211 – 214 [Scopus]

Theresa Ho Char Fei, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, T Ramayah (in press, 2015). Competitive Capabilities and Business Performance among Manufacturing SMEs: Evidence from an Emerging Economy, Malaysia. Journal of Asia Pacific Business, 17 (1), 37-58 [Scopus]

Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, T Ramayah, Theresa Char Ho Fei (in press, 2015). The Outsourcing Dilemma on Decision to Outsource among Small and Medium Enterprises in Malaysia. Global Business Review. [Scopus]

SA Rahman, SK Taghizadeh, T. Ramayah, Noor Hazlina Ahmad (2015). Service Innovation Management Practices in the Telecommunications Industry: What does Cross Country Analysis Reveal? SpringerPlus. [ISI Indexed]

SA Rahman, Azlan Amran & Noor Hazlina Ahmad (2015). Supporting Entrepreneurial Business Success at the Base of Pyramid through Entrepreneurial Competencies. Management Decision, 53 (6), 1203-1223  [ISI Indexed Impact Factor 1.42]

SA, Azlan Amran & Noor Hazlina Ahmad (2015). Enhancing the Wellbeing of Base of the Pyramid Entrepreneurs through Business Success: The Role of Private Organizations. Social Indicators Research. [ISI Indexed: Impact Factor 1.452]

Aizzat Mohd Nasurdin, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Cheng Ling Tan. (2014). Cultivating service-oriented citizenship behaviour among hotel employees: the instrumental roles of training and compensation. Service Business, 10.1007/s11628-014-0230-5, 1-18. [ISI Indexed – Impact Factor 0.571]

M Nejati, Azlan Amran & Noor Hazlina Ahmad (2014). Examining Stakeholders’ Influence on Environmental Responsibility of Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Its Outcomes. Management Decision. 52 (10), 2021-2043 [ISI Indexed; Impact Factor 1.42]

Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Hasliza Abdul Halim (2013). Beyond Know-who: The Instrumental Role of Relationship Competencies among SME Entrepreneurs. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 3 (4), 69-80.

Noor Hazlina Ahmad, T Ramayah, Sharifah Annis (2013). Unlocking the Entrepreneurial Propensity among Prime-Age Malaysians: A Multi-Ethic Analysis. Journals of Arts, Science & Commerce, Vol IV, Issue 1, pp. 1-6.

Noor Hazlina Ahmad & T Ramayah. (2012). Does the notion of “doing well by doing good” prevail among entrepreneurial ventures in a developing nation? Journal of Business Ethics. 106, 479–490. [ISI Index, Impact Factor: 1.125] SPRINGER

T. Ramayah, Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Tan Sin Hong (2012). An Assessment of E-training Effectiveness in Multinational Companies in Malaysia. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15 (2), 125–137. [ISI Indexed, Impact Factor: 1.066].

Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Carlene Wilson, & Liz Kummerow. (2011). A cross cultural insight into the competency-mix of SME entrepreneurs in Australia and Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management Science, 3 (2), 107-120. [Scopus]

Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Carlene Wilson, & Liz Kummerow (2011). Assessing the Dimensionality of Business Success: The Perspective of Malaysian SME-Managers. Journal of Asia Pacific Business, 12 (3), 207-224. Routledge Taylors & Francis Publication [ABI/INFORM] [Scopus].

Noor Hazlina Ahmad, T. Ramayah, Carlene Wilson, & Liz Kummerow, (2010). Is Entrepreneurial Competency and Business Success Relationship Contingent upon Business Environment? A Study of Malaysian SMEs. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol 16, No 3, 182-203. [Scopus]

Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Pi-Shen Seet (2010). Gender Variations in Ethical and Socially Responsible Considerations among SME Entrepreneurs in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Society, Vol 11, No. 1, 61-70. [Scopus]

Noor Hazlina Ahmad (2009). “Doing Well by Doing Good”: A Study of Ethical and Socially Responsible Practices among Entrepreneurial Ventures in an Emerging Economy. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Vol 29, Issue 12, [Article 2], 1-14. [Babson Publication]

Noor Hazlina Ahmad, & Pi-Shen Seet. (2009). Understanding Business Success through the Lens of SME Founder-Owners in Australia and Malaysia. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 1(1), 72-87. [Inderscience]

Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Pi-Shen Seet (2009). Dissecting Behaviours Associated with Business Failure: A Qualitative Study of SME Owners in Malaysia and Australia. Asian Social Science, 5 (9), 98-104. [Scopus]

Pi-Shen Seet & Noor Hazlina Ahmad (2009). Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies through Dilemma Reconciliation. In Velde, C. (Ed.), International Perspectives on Competence in the Workplace – Research, Policy and Practice. Springer: London. pp. 139-157 [Springer] [ISI Indexed].

Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Mahfooz A. Ansari, & Rehana Aafaqi. (2005). Ethical Reasoning: The Impact of Ethical Dilemma, Egoism, and Belief in Just World. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 10 (2), p. 79-99.

Selected Publications in Monograph, Book and Book Chapters:

Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Hasliza Abdul Halim, SA Rahman, T Ramayah. (2015). Determinants of Green Entrepreneurship Proclivity among Generation Y Nascent Entrepreneurs a Preliminary Study. In Impact of the Technology in Social & Behaviour Sciences, Cambridge Publishing. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Siriluck Thongpoon, Noor Hazlina Ahmad (accepted, 2015). Sustainable Approach towards Thai SMEs with Country Philosophy of “Sufficiency Economy” and Government Support (accepted 2015). Handbook of Research on Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries. IGI Global.

Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and T. Ramayah (2014). Unlocking the “Base-of Pyramid” Readiness: Towards an Inclusive Entrepreneurship Framework for “Malaysian Rural Transformation Agenda”. IGI Global Publisher.

Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and T. Ramayah (2014). Manoeuvring the Rough Commercial Landscape through Outsourcing: Repositioning Malaysian SMEs. In International Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship: An Information Technology Perspective: An Information Technology Perspective, IGI Global Publisher, pg 41.

Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Hasliza Abdul Halim (2013). Small and Medium Enterprises. In Corporate Integrity System: A System-Based Framework (edited by Mohd Nizam Mohd Ali). Malaysian Institute of Integrity, 157-166. ISBN 978-967-5091-27-8.

Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Ramayah (2013). Innovative Human Capital as a Core Strategy towards an Innovation-Led Economy: Malaysian Perspective. In Intellectual Capital Strategy Management for Knowledge-Based Organization. Editor Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, Robert Tennyson, Jingyuan Zhao. IGI Global Publisher. [Scopus]

Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Sharina Abdul Halim. (2012). Succession Planning: Perspective of Senior Academics, in Identifying and Developing Young Academic Leaders: Succession Planning in Malaysian Public Universities, Monograph 1/2012, editor Norzaini Azman, pp. 47-55,  Akademi Kepimpinan Pengajian Tinggi (AKEPT), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi.

Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Sharina Abdul Halim. (2012). Succession Planning: Perspective of Junior Academics, in Identifying and Developing Young Academic Leaders: Succession Planning in Malaysian Public Universities, Monograph 1/2012, editor Norzaini Azman,  pp. 57-65, Akademi Kepimpinan Pengajian Tinggi (AKEPT), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi.



Service Consultancy - Green SMEs & Entrepreneur Coaching Programme, Malaysian Green Technology Corporation - Duration: 1 Nov 2014 – 31 Jan 2015 (RM69,000)

Service Consultancy: Consultancy-based Learning for Asian SMEs (CoBLAs), SMECorp 7th May 2014 (RM69, 700)

Service Consultancy – SMEs Training Programme, Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (2014). (RM16, 100).

Service Consultancy on Executive Development Program for Senior Government Officers – Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Dollar BND17, 800 = RM43, 875.22) (7-9 February, 2012)

Service Consultancy: Consultancy-based Learning for Asian SMEs (CoBLAs), SMECorp 17th Dec 2012 (RM81, 700)

Service Consultancy: Consultancy-based Learning for Asian SMEs (CoBLAs), SMECorp 11th August 2011 (RM56, 000)

Service Consultancy for Graduate Entrepreneurship Training Scheme (GETS), Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), 2011-2015

Contract Research, National Higher Education Research Institute, Malaysia, Dec 2010 – Nov 2011(RM242, 500)

Title: Triple Helix (University-Industry- Government) in Innovation and Commercialisation.

Academic Assessor/Advisory Board/Visiting Professor

  1.  President Asian Academy of Management (2013 – till date)
  2. Visiting Professor and External Assessor, Management & Science University, Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies (2012-2014).
  3. Panel Board of Studies for the Bachelor Degree in Agropreneurship Kolej Universiti Islam Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah  (2015)
  4. Assessor for SAC JPA-MARA Program (2014), Public Service Department of Malaysia, JPA (1) 178/1/5-15 (2).
  5. Advisory Board for Penang Young Entrepreneurs Cooperation (Koperasi Usahawan Muda Pulau Pinang).
  6. Advisory Board for Oxford Fajar, Oxford University Press.




Completed As main supervisor As co-supervisor Total
PhD 5 4 9
DBA 2 - 2
MA - - -
In progress      
PhD 6 5 11
MA 2 - 2


  • Hits: 27876

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
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