Dr. Anwar Allah Pitchay




Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic Qualifications:

PhD Islamic Finance (International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia)
Master in Business Administration (MBA) (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia) - Deans List Award
Bachelor in Finance (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia) - Vice Chancellor Award, First Class Degree
Diploma in Banking (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia) 


Room: 214, Level 3, School of Management
Phone: (+604)653 5164
Mobile: +6013 533 2427
Fax:     (+604)653 3130
Email: anwarap@usm.my
Google Scholar


Anwar Allah Pitchay is a senior lecturer at School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia. He joined the university upon completing his PhD in 2015 from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). His research interests are in the areas of Islamic Banking and Finance and, Non-Banking Islamic Finance Institutions (NBFI). He has published articles related to Waqf, Islamic Banking, and governance in various indexed and refereed journals, both locally and internationally. Currently, he is holding grants at international (such as Sumitomo, Indonesia education grant), local such as FRGS and university levels such as Short-Term grant in the area of philanthropy. He has achieved numerous recognitions as reflections of his achievements such as best paper award, Emerald Literati Awards and postgraduate scholarships.


Research Areas:

1.    Waqf
2.    Zakat
3.    Non-Banking Financial Institution
4.    Islamic Banking and Finance
5.    Islamic Capital Market
6.    Behavioral Finance
7.    Corporate Governance
8.    Green Financing
9.    Charity
10.  Service Quality

Research Project:



  1. Privatisation or Nationalisation Management Style? Case Study on Mutawallis’ Management Approach In The Case of Indonesia and Malaysia. UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, Rp30 Million, (2016-2017) - PROJECT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR- COMPLETED
  2. Proposing Cooperative-Waqf Model for Developing Waqf Assets in Malaysia and Indonesia. UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA, Rp30 Million, (2016-2017) - PROJECT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR- COMPLETED
  3. Amoeba Management outside Japan: The Case of Panasonic and Pensonic. Sumitomo Foundation. RM24,000.00, (2017-2018) – CO-RESEARCHER- COMPLETED


  1. Proposing Awqaf Alternative Project (AAP) Software Application: Sustainable and Future Direction of Malaysia Higher Education. FRGS, MOE, RM65,200.00 (2019-2020)- PROJECT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR- ON GOING
  2. Proposing Cooperative-Waqf Model for Developing Waqf Assets in Malaysia. FRGS, MOHE, RM82,200.00 (2016-2018) PROJECT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR- COMPLETED
  3. Study On The Current Stage Development Of Malaysian Waqf Assets And Proposing An Industry Link Salary Deduction Scheme Cash Waqf Model In Developing Idle Waqf Lands. Institut Penilaian Negara (INSPEN), RM45,000.00 (2016-2017) PROJECT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR
  4. A Proposed Crowdfunding-Waqf Model (CWM) For Developing Waqf Assets In Malaysia. FRGS, MOHE, RM 65,800.00 (2015-2017). CO-RESEARCHER- COMPLETED


  1. Factor Influences CEO’s Corporate Waqf Giving Behavior in Public Listed Companies. Short Term Grant, USM, RM 24,507.20, (2016-2018)-PROJECT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR- COMPLETED
  2. Does Service Quality Matters to Loyalty of Jemaah of Mosque?, RM5,000.00, 15/12/2018-14/12/2019 Bridging (Incentive) Grant- PROJECT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR- ON GOING
  3. Nurhafiza Binti Abdul Kader Malim, Anwar Bin Allah Pitchay, Tajul Ariffin Bin Masron, Determinants of Margins in Asian Islamic Banks , Short Term Grant,  RM25,806.00, 15/06/2016-14/06/2018 CO-INVESTIGATOR- COMPLETED

Selected Publications:



  1. Pitchay, Mohd Thas Thaker, Azhar, Mydin, Mohd Thas Thaker (2019) Factors persuade individuals’ behavioral intention to opt for Islamic bank services: Malaysian depositors’ perspective. Journal of Islamic Marketing. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIMA-02-2018-0029. Emerald Publishing Limited (SCOPUS INDEXED)
  2. Mohd Thas Thaker, Pitchay, Mohd Thas Thaker, Amin(2019) Factors influencing consumers’ adoption of Islamic mobile banking services in Malaysia: An approach of partial least squares (PLS). Journal of Islamic Marketing. Emerald Publishing Limited (SCOPUS INDEXED)
  3. Jalil, S.Yahya, A. Pitchay (2019) Building committed Waqif: the role of information disclosure. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research Vol. 10 No. 2, 2019 pp. 185-215 © Emerald Publishing Limited. DOI 10.1108/JIABR-05-2016-0058 (SCOPUS INDEXED)
  4. Mohd Thas Thaker, Amin, Mohd Thas Thaker, A. Pitchay (2019) What keeps Islamic mobile banking customers loyal? Journal of Islamic Marketing Vol. 10 No. 2, 2019 pp. 525-542 © Emerald Publishing Limited 1759-0833 DOI 10.1108/JIMA-08-2017-0090 (SCOPUS INDEXED)
  5. Foong, Ganesan, A.Pitchay, Haron, Hendayani (2019) Corporate Governance And Business Performance: The Moderating Role Of External Audit Quality. Journal of Governance and Integrity. Vol 2, page 91-22. Universiti Malaysia Pahang (NON-INDEXED)
  6. Mohd Thas Thaker, Mohd Thas Thaker, Amin, A.Pitchay (2019) Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth: A Revisit Study of Their Causality in Malaysia ETIKONOMI 18 (1), 1-12 (NON-INDEXED)
  7. MKK Mydin, A Pitchay, Z Azhar (2019) Priority of Zakat Fund Distribution: Case Of Penang. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy. Vol 1 Issue 2, pp151-165. Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah. (NON-INDEXED)
  8. A. Pitchay, M. Thas Thaker, Mohd Thas Thaker, Khaliq, Mydin (2019) Literacy on the Fundamental Information of Zakah. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy. Vol 1 Issue 2, pp103-116. Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah. (NON-INDEXED)
  9. Mohd Thas Thaker, H. Mohd Thas Thaker, A. Pitchay, Khaliq (2019) A Proposed Integrated Zakat-Crowdfunding Model (Izcm) For Effective Collection And Distribution Of Zakat Fund In Malaysia. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy. Vol 1 Issue 2, pp1-12. Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah. (NON-INDEXED)
  10. M. Thas Thaker, H.Mohd Thas Thaker, Maya P. Rahman, MdAmin, A.A Pitchay, Nafiu Oladokun Alone (2019) Factors Affecting Investors’ Intention To Invest In A Peer-To-Peer Lending Platform In Malaysia: An Extended Technology Acceptance Model. Report Number 998. ADBI Working Paper Series (POLICY PAPER)


  1. A Allah Pitchay, MA Mohd Thas Thaker, AA Mydin, Z Azhar, A. Latiff (2018) Cooperative-waqf model: a proposal to develop idle waqf lands in Malaysia. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance 10 (2), 225-236 (SCOPUS INDEXED) ( WON EMERALD HIGHLY COMMENDED AWARD 2019)
  2. MAMT Thaker, HMT Thaker, AA Pitchay (2018) Modeling crowdfunders’ behavioral intention to adopt the crowdfunding-waqf model (CWM) in Malaysia. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. (ISI INDEXED, JCR-Q4)
  3. MAMT Thaker, HMT Thaker, AA Pitchay (2018) Public relation activities in Islamic banking industry An approach of circuit of culture (COC) model. Journal of Islamic Marketing Vol. 9 No. 2, 2018 pp. 283-295 © Emerald Publishing Limited 1759-0833 DOI 10.1108/JIMA-06-2016-0047(SCOPUS INDEXED)
  4. MAMT Thaker, AA Pitchay (2018) Developing waqf land through crowdfunding-waqf model (CWM): the case of Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research Vol. 9 No. 3, 2018 pp. 448-456 © Emerald Publishing Limited 1759-0817 DOI 10.1108/JIABR-05-2016-0062 (SCOPUS INDEXED)
  5. Mydin, Abdullah, Pitchay, Gansean, Ali, Zainal (2018) Synergising Organisational Magnificent Ambience: the Role of Transformational Leaders to Cherish Workplace Spirituality. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal Vol. 10, No. 1 (2018, Special Issue) (NON-INDEXED)
  6. AA Mydin, AG Kanesan, AA Pitchay (2018) Workplace Spirituality Enhance Organisational Commitment in the School Management. Asian Journal of Public Administration and Law 1 (1), 1-8 (NON-INDEXED)
  7. Y Ganesan, H Haron, A Amran, AA Pitchay (2018) It is the External Accountant Matter in Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises? The Role of Non-Audit Services Management 5 (4), 36-48(NON-INDEXED)


  1. NAK Malim, TA Masron, AA Pitchay (2017) Determinants Of Islamic Banks’ Margins In Asian Countries. Journal of Islamic Finance 6, 046-053(NON-INDEXED)
  2. Y Ganesan, H Haron, I Ismail, AA Pitchay (2017) Do Small and Medium Practitioners'(SMPs') Service Quality and Non-Audit Service Fees Paid Matters'? The Mediating Role of Satisfaction of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Global Business & Management Research 9 (NON-INDEXED)
  3. A Khaliq, HMT Thacker, AA Pitchay, MAMT Thacker (2019) Interest Rate Risk Management and Islamic Banking: Evidence from Malaysia Journal of Islamic Finance 6 (1), 016-030 (NON-INDEXED)


  1. EA Abdul Wahab, A Allah Pitchay, R Ali (2015) Culture, corporate governance and analysts forecast in Malaysia Asian review of accounting 23 (3), 232-255 (SCOPUS INDEXED) (ABDC- B Rank) ) ( WON EMERALD HIGHLY COMMENDED AWARD 2016)
  2. AA Pitchay, AKM Meera, MY Saleem (2015) Factors Influencing the Behavioral Intentions of Muslim Employees to Contribute to Cash-Waqf Through Salary Deductions, JKAU: Islamic Economics 28 (1), 63-98 (SCOPUS INDEXED)
  3. Olaniyi, MABMT Thaker, HMT Thaker, AA Pitchay (2015) The Financing Problems Facing the Agricultural Sector in Nigeria and the Prospect of Waqf-Muzaraah-Supply Chain Model (WMSCM), Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business 2 (1), 001-014 (NON-INDEXED)


  1. AA Pitchay, AKM Meera, MY Saleem (2014) Priority of waqf development among malaysian cash waqf donors: An AHP approach Journal of Islamic Finance 176 (3810), 1-10 (NON-INDEXED)




  1. Development of Halal Industry through ZISWAQ and Socioprenuer Optimization. Temu Ilmiah Nasional XVVII FoSSEI 2019, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia April 15, 2019 (INVITED AS AN INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER)


  1. Proposing Awqaf Alternative Plan (AAP): The Way Forward & Sustainable Higher Education Financial System. University Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta, July 8th – 12th, 2018 (INVITED AS AN INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER)


  1. It Is the External Accountant Matter in Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises? The Role of Non-Audit Services. Presented at The 12th Asian Academy of Management International Conference 2017. Penang, Malaysia
  2. Cash Waqf and Preferred Method of Payment: Case of Malaysia Using an AHP Approach: Research Workshop on Revival of Waqf for Socio Economic Development. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 4-5 November 2017 (FULLY SPONSORED BY IRTI)
  3. The Role of Risk and Usefulness in Determining an Adoption of Islamic Mobile Banking Services: The Case of Malaysia. Annual Conference On Management and Social Science (ACMASS) August 14-16 2017:OSAKA, Japan.
  4. Amoeba Management outside Japan: The Case of a Japanese Corporation Operating in Malaysia. Annual Conference On Management and Social Science (ACMASS) August 14-16 2017:OSAKA, Japan
  5. Developing Idle Waqf (Endowment) Lands through Cooperative-Waqf Model: The Case of Malaysia. Annual Conference On Management and Social Science (ACMASS) August 14-16 2017:OSAKA, Japan.


  1. Determinants Of Crowd Funders To Use Crowdfunding-Waqf Model (CWM): Astructural Equation Modeling Approach. The World Bank, Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) and Guidance Financial Group: 2nd Annual Symposium on Islamic Finance 8-9 December, 2016. Rabbat, Morroco. (FULLY SPONSORED BY IRTI)
  2. Determination of Islamic Banks Margin in Asian Countries. Presented at 4th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance, 6 Dec-8 Dec 2016, Hotel Equatorial, Melaka, Malaysia
  3. The Constraints Of Malaysian Mutawalli In Developing Idle Waqf Lands. Muktamar Waqf Iqlimi III 2016, 13 - 14 October 2016. Central Mosque, Songkla, Thailand.
  4. Factors Persuade Individuals’ Behavioral Intention To Opt For Islamic Bank Services: Malaysian Depositors Perspective. International Joint Conference On Islamic Economic and Finance, 1-3 September 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
  5. Factor Influencing the Behavioral Intention of Crowd Funders to Use Crowdfunding-Waqf Model. International Joint Conference On Islamic Economic and Finance, 1-3 September 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
  6. The Contemporary Model of Waqf Structure. Persidangan Antarabangsa Kepimpinan Dan Pengurusan Islam 2016. Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darul Salam 6 Ogos 2016
  7. The Factors Influencing The Behavioural Intention Of Top Managements To Donate Corporate Philanthropy Fund To Non-Profit Organisation: Case On Malaysian Listed Companies And Waqf (Endowment) Institution. Islamic Finance Banking and Business Ethics Global Conference, 26-27 March 2016, LUMS Lahore, Pakistan.


  1. Factors Influence Islamic Businesses and Institutions to Contribute Cash Waqf. Presented at Workshop on Revival of Waqf for Socio Economic Development, 28-29 September 2014, Surabaya, Indonesia. (FULLY SPONSORED BY IRTI)
  2. Examining the Behavioral Intention of Malaysian Muslim Employees towards Cash Waqf Contribution through Employment Income Deduction: An Application of Theory of Reasoned Action. Presented at 6th Foundation of Islamic Finance Conference (FIFC), April 2-3, 2014, Durham University, United Kingdom. (BEST PAPER)


  1. Priority of Waqf Development among Malaysian Cash Waqf Donors: An AHP Approach. Presented at 1st ASEAN International Conference On Islamic Finance. Jointly organized by Islamic Institute of Banking and Finance, University Islam Sultan Agung Semarang, Consortium for Islamic Economics and Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) 2013, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.


  1. Culture, Corporate Governance and Analyst Forecast in Malaysia. Presented at 13th Malaysian Finance Association (MFA) Conference, 2010, Langkawi. Malaysia. 


Publications in Book and Book Chapters:

  1. AB Sa'ad, A. A., & A. Pitchay (2020) Financing SMEs Through the Islamic Qard al-Hasan: A Proposal of Islamic FinTech Interest-Free Lending for Government Initiatives. In N. Naifar (Ed.), Impact of Financial Technology (FinTech) on Islamic Finance and Financial Stability. Vol 123, page 54-64, Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


  1. Jalil M.I.A., Pitchay A.A., Yahya S (2019) Cash Waqf and Preferred Method of Payment: Case of Malaysia Using an AHP Approach. In: Ali K., Hassan M., Ali A. (eds) Revitalization of Waqf for Socio-Economic Development, Volume II. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


  1. A Perspective on Islamic Wealth Management Waqf, Hibah and Estate Distribution (2018) ISBN:978-967-2110-71-2







  1. Best Paper Award, 6th Foundation Of Islamic Finance Conference (FIFC), April 2-3, 2014, Durham University, United Kingdom.
  2. Highly Commended Award 2016 – Asian Review of Accounting Journal
  3. Highly Commended Award 2019 – ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance


  1. Best Paper Award, 4th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance, 6 Dec-8 Dec 2016, Hotel Equatorial, Melaka, Malaysia

Intellectual Property




  1. Mohamad Isa Abdul Jalil (2016-2018) Information Disclosure and Waqif Commitment: The Role of Trust as Mediator And Communication as Moderator. (PhD – GRADUATED)
  2. Mohd Aliff Mohd Nasser (2017) Does Arabic Term Literacy of Islamic Bank Matters? A study on the intention of Shariah Compliant Banks Depositors. (MBA-GRADUATED)
  3. Azminah Binti Mohd Mydin (2018) Does Service Quality Matters to Loyalty of Jemaah of Mosque?. (MBA-GRADUATED)


  1. Mohamad Kamil (2017- Present) The Role of Zakat Fund To Alleviate Poverty in Malaysia (Full Research)
  2. Evina Suriakanth Patel (2019-Present) Quality of Early Intervention Services For Children With Special Needs and Its Effect On Word of Mouth (MBA Student)





  1. Arif Masih (2018) Linking Ethical Leadership and Ethical Climate to Employees Performance: Mediating role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive work Behavior IQRA University, Islamabad, Pakistan (PhD)
  2. Abdul Rehman Sajid (2018) “Managing Assets – Liabilities to Maximize Primary Stakeholders’ Wellbeing: A Socially Responsible, Economically Compatible and Divinely Viable Financial Intermediation Approach” University : IQRA University, Islamabad, Pakistan. (PhD)


  1. Head of Section Islamic Finance and Finance (2016-2018)
  2. Head of  Islamic Social Finance and Development (ISFIND) Research Cluster (2018- Present)




  • Hits: 18171

School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: som@usm.my