Dr. Eliza Nor


Profile Dr Eliza Nor



Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic Qualifications:

Ph.D (UPM, Malaysia), 
MBA (USM, Malaysia),
B.Sc. (Purdue University, Indiana)


Room: 218
Phone: (+604)653 2530
Fax:  (+604)657 7448
Email: eliza.nor@usm.my



Research Area:

Research Project:

On-going Research:

Completed Research:

Selected Publications in Journals:

  1. Nor, E., Azali, M. and Law, S.H. (2009). Demand for international reserves in East Asian economies, American of Journal Finance and Accounting. 1(2): 297-310.
  2. Nor, E., Azali, M. and Law, S.H. (2008). International reserves, current account imbalance and external debt: Evidence from Malaysia, IIUM Journal of Economics and Management. 16(1): 47-75.
  3. Nor, E., Azali, M. and Law, S.H. (2009). International Reserves, Current Account Imbalance, and Short-term Debt: A Comparative Study, 8th Asian Academy of Management Conference, Hyatt Regency Resort, Kuantan, Pahang, 18-20.
  4. Nor, E., Azali, M. and Law, S.H. (2008). Demand for International Reserves:
  5. Evidence from ASEAN5 Economies, Paper presented at the 9th International Business Research Conference, Novotel Hotel, Melbourne, 24-26.
  6. Nor, E., Azali, M. and Law, S.H. (2006). Demand for International Reserves in Malaysia, Paper presented at the Seminar of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Chorus Paradise Hotel, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, 13-14.
  7. Nor, E. and Pillay, S. (2002). A Preliminary Survey of Foreign Exchange Risk Management by Malaysian Companies in Z. Ahmad, R. Ali and S. Pillay (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Malaysian Finance Association Symposium. pp. 337-350.


Selected Publications in Books and Book Chapters:







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School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: som@usm.my