Dr. Md. Harashid Haron

Profile Dr Harashid Haron r

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Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic Qualifications:

Ph. D, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia,
M. A., Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia,


Room: E47-3-06
Phone: (+604) 653 2900
Fax:  (+604) 657 7448
Email: harashid@usm.my


MD. HARASHID HARON, Ph.D. is a lecturer at Accounting section, Universiti Sains Malaysia. His research interest is in the areas of shari’ah compliance (shari’ah-compliant research, corporate governance, accounting and finance); and construction of Islamic-variable measurement. He teaches business mathematics, Islamic accounting, management accounting, business statistics, business research methods and decision analysis. He has published papers in journals and proceedings and presented papers at conferences, supervises PhD/DBA and MA/MBA candidates.


Research Area:

Shari’ah Compliance (shari’ah-compliant research, corporate governance, accounting and finance), Matematik Perniagaan & Perakaunan Islam, Shari’ah-compliant Research Methodology, Construction of Islamic-variable measurement.

Research Project:

On-going Research:

Completed Research:

Selected Publications in Journals:

  1. Ahmed M. Alteer, Sofri B. Yahya, and Md Harashid Haron (2013). Personal Values and Ethical Judgement at Different Levels of Ethical Climate: A Conceptual Link. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, pp. 862-875.
  2. Ahmed M. Alteer, Sofri B. Yahya, and Md Harashid Haron (2013). Religiosity and Auditors' Ethical Sensitivity at Different Levels of Ethical Climate: A Conceptual Link. Proceedings of the 4th Global Conference for Academic Research on Economics and Business Management, 29-30 June, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  3. Risna Wijayanti, Sofri Yahya, and Md Harashid Haron (2012). Enhancing the Effect of Corporate Governance on Investor Confidence by Shariah Status: Toward an Understanding of Theoretical and Empirical Perspective. Proceedings of Islamic Banking, Accounting and Finance Conference, 2-3 October, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
  4. Essia Ries Ahmed, Md Harashid Haron, and Sofri Yahya (2012). Shubuhat in Islamic Financial Products. Global Islamic Economics Magazine, 3, pp 11-24.
  5. Essia Ries Ahmed, Sofri Yahya, and Md Harashid Haron (2012). Shubuhat on Matter of Bai’alinah and Tawarruq. International Journal of Business and Techopreneurship, 2(1), pp 85-101.
  6. Essia Ries Ahmed, Sofri Yahya, and Md Harashid Haron (2012). The Chairman of bank and Shubuhat in Islamic Banks, Proceedings of the 14th Malaysian Finance Association Conference, 1-3 June, Penang, Malaysia.
  7. Risna Wijayanti, Sofri Yahya, and Md Harashid Haron (2011). Corporate disclosures and investor confidence from the Islamic perpective and empirical disclosure literature: the case of Shari’ah compliant stocks. Proceedings of the International Sustainability Forum on Islamic Economics and Business, 29-30 Disember, Banjarmasin, Indonesia.
  8. Md Harashid Haron (2011). Shari’ah compliance: a potential approach for transforming Asian business. Proceedings of the 9th Asian Academy of Management International Conference, 13-16 October, Penang, Malaysia.
  9. Ahmed Alteer, Sofri Yahya, and Md Harashid Haron (2011). Individual Factors and Auditor Ethical Judgement: A Moderated-mediation of Ethical Sensitivity by Ethical Climate. Proceedings of the 9th Asian Academy of Management International Conference, 13-16 October, Penang, Malaysia.
  10. Essia Ries Ahmed, Md Harashid Haron, and Sofri Yahya (2011). Shubuhat by Type of Bank: A Study on Islamic Banks in Malaysia. Proceedings of the 9th Asian Academy of Management International Conference, 13-16 October, Penang, Malaysia.
  11. Md Harashid Haron (2011). Corporate Governance from an Islamic perspective: Model and future development. The International Seminar and Workshop on Islamic Accounting: Toward Formulating a Comprehensive Islamic Accounting Theory and Practice, July 26 – 27, University Islam of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  12. Essia Ries Ahmed, Sofri Yahya, and Md Harashid Haron (2010). Shubuhat Activities in Islamic Banking, Journal of Accounting and Business (JAB), 10(1).
  13. Sofri Yahya, Amirul Shah Shahbuddin, Md Harashid Haron, Mandzir Shah Shahbuddin, Noor Nasir Kader Ali, and Hasnah Hj Haron (2010). The Relationship among Accounting, Personality, Internal Control, Environment and External Contributions and Performances: The Case of SMEs in Malaysia. Proceedings of 14th IBIMA Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 23- 24 June 2010.
  14. Sofri Yahya, Md Harashid Haron, and Thakur Rajendar Singh (2009). Internet Banking in Hyderabad: Issues and Prospects, Professional Bankers, pp 56-62.

Selected Publications in Books and Book Chapters:

  1. Md Harashid H, (2013). Time Value of Money. In Accounting and Finance. Pulau Pinang, Malaysia: Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia (in press).
  2. Hassan, N.K., Morshidi, S., and Md. Harashid H., (2006), Global Competitiveness, High Technology Electronics Industries and the Role of Air Cargo Services: a Malaysia Case Study, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 140 pages.


  1. Ahli jawatankuasa Masjid Batu Uban, Pulau Pinang, 2009-hingga sekarang
  2. Ahli jawatankuasa KAFA (Kelas Fardu’ain dan Bahasa Arab), Batu Uban, Pulau Pinang, 2008-hingga sekarang






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