Dr. Shankar Chelliah


Dr Shankar Chelliah page 0001


Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic Qualifications:

DBA (USM, Malaysia),
MBA (UUM, Malaysia),
B.Ec. (UM, Malaysia)


Room: L-10-02
Phone: (+604) 653 5282
Fax:     (+604) 657 7448
Email:  shankar@usm.my


DR SHANKAR CHELLIAH is currently affiliates with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), based in Penang, Malaysia. Prior becoming academician, he has fifteen years of corporate experiences by holding various positions in blue chip companies such as Motorola and Intel. Currently positioned in the section of International Business and teaching subjects relating to cross cultural management, international human resources management, and international business management. Apart from supervising students at postgraduate level, he is actively involved in consultancy services and social responsibility initiatives to key clients from the industry. His current research interests includes: (a) Policies and strategies relating to the internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and (b) Management of international operations, including corporate entrepreneurship, and survival strategies in both multinational enterprises and, small and medium enterprises.

Research Area:

Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship International Business, SME

Research Project:

On-going Research:

Completed Research:

Selected Publications in Journals:

  1. Jayaraman, M., & Shankar, C. (2011). The Importance of Service Quality Delivery in the Banking Sector in Malaysia. Proficient – An International Journal of Management, forthcoming.
  2. Shankar, C., Mohamed, S., & Yusliza, M. Y. (2010). Internationalization and Performance: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(6), 27-37.
  3. Yusliza, M. Y., & Shankar, C. (2010). Adjustment in International Students in Malaysian Public University. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 1(3), 275-278.
  4. Jayaraman, M., Shankar, C. (2010). Service Quality Delivery and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction in the Banking Sector in Malaysia, International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 1(4), 398-404.  
  5. Shankar, C., Teoh, A. M., & Jayaraman, M. (2010). Changing Myopic View on Outsourcing Decision in the Manufacturing Industry: A Case from Malaysia. Operation Supply Chain Management, forthcoming.
  6. Shankar, C., Sivamurugan, P., Mohamed, S., & Jayaraman, M. (2010). The Moderating Effect of Firm Size: Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Manufacturing Sector. African Journal of Business Management, 4(13), forthcoming.
  7. Shankar, C., & Mohamed, S. (2010). The Determinants of Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Case in Malaysia. World Applied Science Journal, forthcoming.
  8. Shankar, C., Mohamed, S., & Jayaraman, M. (2010). The Role of Corporate Entrepreneurship in Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, forthcoming.

Selected Publications in Books and Book Chapters:

  1. Chin. K.K., & Shankar, C. (2010). Marketing Mix and Customer Retention of Herb Coffee in Malaysia: The Impact of Marketing Mix on the Customer Retention. Lambert Academic Publishing: Germany. (ISBN: 978-3-8383-6307-3)
  2. Thilagavathi, K., Shankar, C., & Jayaraman, M. (2010). Competitive Advantage and Customer Satisfaction in Health Industry: A Study in Private Hospitals in Malaysia. Lambert Academic Publishing: Germany. (ISBN: 978-3-8383-8754-3)
  3. Jayaraman, M., Cheam, T.L., & Shankar, C. (2010). The Determinants of Consumer Buying Behavior in Mobile Phone Industry: In the Perspectives of Malaysia. Lambert Academic Publishing: Germany. (ISBN: 978-3-8383-8885-4)
  4. Jayaraman, M., Tharmaraj, S., & Shankar, C. (2010). Students’ Satisfaction Level in Private Higher Education: A Case in Malaysia. Lambert Academic Publishing: Germany. (ISBN: 978-3-8383-9657-6)
  5. Jayaraman, M., Puvaneswary, S., & Shankar, C. (2010). The Effectiveness of Online Customer Relationship Management Practices: A Case of a Malaysian MNC. Lambert Academic Publishing: Germany. (ISBN: 978-3-8383-9696-5)






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School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: som@usm.my