Dr Ema Izati Bt Zull Kepili


Dr Ema Izati Aug 2019 new pic


Position: Lecturer

Academic Qualifications:

PhD (USM, Malaysia)
MBA (USM, Malaysia)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in International Business (UiTM, Malaysia)
Diploma in Investment Analysis (UiTM, Malaysia)


Room: School of Management Room 221
Phone: (+604)653 5287
Fax:     (+604) 653 3130
Email: emazull@usm.my
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7662-9871
Member of Asian Academic of Management (AAM119/2017/2019.)
Finance Section Coordinator, School of Management. 


Ema Izati bt. Zull Kepili, PhD, is a lecturer at School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia. She joined the university in 2015 and had since been very vibrant in the establishment. She is a dedicated Academic (Teaching at University), Finance Coach and Researcher, currently living in Malaysia. Her Ph.D thesis is entitled “Residential Property Liberalization and Housing Affordability”.  While her primary research interest is in the area  Real Estate Market Economics, topics on Financial Technology, Blockchain, Finance Talents keep her eyes wide open. Dr. Ema Zull (affectionately known by) have written several local newspaper articles in regards to economics, finance literacy and student development. Giving back to society, Dr. Ema is now involved in several community services helping locals in Beseri (Perlis) and Chenaam (Perak) recognizing their needs in business and finance aspects. Her love in teaching has awarded her as one of the handful finalists for the National Outstanding Educator Award, by Koperasi Pendidikan Swasta Malaysia Berhad in 2015. Love to travel, Dr. Ema would pack her camera to look for locations which have numerous civilization and religion history to understand the thoughts of economics in the area. Dr. Ema Zull welcomes collaboration with parties interested in creating sustainability living for next generation.

Dr. Ema Zull holds by this teaching philosophy that gets her always in cheerful mode!, 
"We are blessed by knowledge from Ya ‘Alim. Hence, we are upholding the virtue of educating the truth and its contradictions. By carrying what is granted to us, we are Allah’s servant – must convey truth although it might hurt and criticized with the ultimate aim to ensure we ourselves stay in the straight path. The Almighty has generously given us knowledge which we desire, however, it is for us to seek blessings so the knowledge will turn to wisdom. “Jadi guru itu tidak usah punya niat bikin pintar orang. Nanti kamu hanya marah-marah ketika melihat muridmu tidak pintar, IKHLASnya jadi hilang. Yang penting niat menyampaikan ilmu dan mendidik yang baik. Masalah muridmu kelak jadi pintar atau tidak, serahkan saja pada Allah. Didoakan saja terus menerus agar muridnya mendapat hidayah (Maemun Zubir)”

Research Area:

Internatonal finance, real estate market and financial literacy.

Research Project:

1.      Short-Term Research Grant (2016)
Awarded by USM for the research entitled “The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows on Malaysia’s House Price. (Grant value: RM29,850

2.      National Real Estate Research Coordinator (NAPREC) Research Fund (2016)
Awarded by the National Institute of Valuation, Ministry of Finance Malaysia for the research entitled “Study on the Current Stage Development of Malaysian Waqf Assets and Proposing Industrt Link & Salary Deduction Scheme Cash Waqf Model in Developing Idle Waqf Land” (Grant value: RM45,000)



Selected Publications:

2018 (upcoming)

Ema Izati Zull Kepili, 2018, Granger Causality of House Price and Interest Rate: Evidence from Malaysia. Submitted to International Journal of Business and Society on 22nd Feb 2018 – awaiting respond
Ema Izati Zull Kepili, 2018, Long Term Relationship of Housing Model in Malaysia: Different House Type. Submitted to International Journal of Economics and Management on 20th Feb 2018 – revision
Tajul Ariffin Masron and Ema Izati Zull Kepili, Japanese FDI in Malaysia. Submitted to Journal of Sustainability Science and Management on 12th Mar 2018 – awaiting respond
Ema Izati Zull Kepili, 2018, The Impact of Liberalization on House Price in Malaysia. Submitted to International Journal of Business and Society – revision submitted on 7th May 2018
Ema Izati Zull Kepili, 2018, Is FDI a Catalyst for Housing Destruction? The Impact of FDI on Malaysia House Price, Submitted to Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy on 13th June 207 – editor responded for bionote on 17th May 2018, awaiting respond.

Ema Izati Zull Kepili and Tajul Ariffin Masron, 2017, Six Years (1999-2015) of Escalating House Price in Malaysia: Can FDI Be Blamed? Planning Malaysia Journal, Vol.15, Issue 3 [SCOPUS].

 Ema Izati Zull Kepili and Tajul Ariffin Bin Masron, 2017, Finding the Role of FDI in Housing      Affordability Level in Malaysia, Journal of Business Management and Economic Studies [in print, online].
Ema Izati Zull Kepili, 2017. FinTech dan Dunia Kewangan Malaysia, Dewan Ekonomi, 17 November 2017.
Ema Izati Zull Kepili, 2017, Telus Lapor Keberkesanan Bajet, Utusan Malaysia, November 2017.
Ema Izati Zull Kepili, 2017, Gradual tulen vs. Graduan Copy & Paste, Utusan Malaysia, 1 April 2017.

Ema Izati Zull Kepili and Tajul Ariffin Masron (2016). Malaysia Property Sector: Performance Analysis and Portfolio Diversification Benefits within Sub-sector. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Emerald. [SCOPUS]

Tajul Ariffin Masron and Ema Izati Zull Kepili (2016). Can Foreign Investment in Real Estate Improve Host Country’s Affordability? Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. USM Publisher. [SCOPUS]

Tajul Ariffin Masron and Ema Izati Zull Kepili (2016). Japanese Fdi In Malaysia And Other Asean Countries: Will Specialization Helps To Make Them Complementary?. Paper presented at the The 4th International Conference on Accounting, Business and Economics (ICABEC 2016), 28-30 August 2016, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.

Ema Izati Zull Kepili (2016). Terpelajar yang Termuflis, Dewan Siswa, Disember 2016

Ema Izati Zull Kepili (2016). Lompang Dalam Liberalisasi Hartanah, Utusan Malaysia 4 Februari 2016.


Ema Izati Zull Kepili (2018). HOUSING AFFORDABILITY MODEL AND THE INDIRECT IMPACT OF LIBERALIZATION. Paper presented at the 6th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB) (12-13 September 2018) at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 

Ema Izati Zull Kepili (2017). The Impact of Liberalization on House Price in Malaysia. Paper presented at the Asian Academy of Management International Conference 2017,Penang, Malaysia. 

Ema Izati Zull Kepili and Tajul Ariffin Masron (2017). Finding the Role of FDI in Housing Affordability Level in Malaysia. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Business and Social Sciences 2017 (29th to 30th March, 2017) at Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. 

Ema Izati Zull Kepili and Tajul Ariffin Masron (2017). The Long-Term Relationship Between FDI inflows and House Price in Malaysia. Paper Presented at the World Finance Conference, 26-28 July 2017, Sardinia, Italy. 

Tajul Ariffin Masron and Ema Izati Zull Kepili (2016). Japanese Fdi In Malaysia And Other Asean Countries: Will Specialization Helps To Make Them Complementary?. Paper presented at the The 4th International Conference on Accounting, Business and Economics (ICABEC 2016), 28-30 August 2016, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.

Ema Izati Zull Kepili and Tajul Ariffin Masron (2012) Liberalization as a Culprit in Malaysia's House Price? Testing the Long Run Impact. Paper presented at The International Real Estate Research Symposium (IRERS), 24-25 April 2012, INSPEN 2nd Campus, Selangor, Malaysia.

Ema Izati Zull Kepili and Tajul Ariffin Masron (2011) Real Estate–Foreign Direct Investment–Growth in Malaysia: Re-Framing Eclectic Paradigm. Paper presented at the International Conference on Economics, Trade and Development (ICETD) 2011, 1-3, April 2011, Bali, Indonesia.

Selected Publications in Book and Book Chapters:



(2018) Finance Section Coordinator, School of Management.

(2018) Academic Supervisor, “Financial Literacy Roadshow” in collaboration with Ministry of Education, Malaysia.

(2018) Module Developer for subject “Critical and Analytical Thinking”, for Kedah Industrial Skills and Management Development Centre (KISMEC)

(2018) Subject Matter Expert Developer for Data Visualization (Business Analytics Major) & member in Industry Panel meetings Committee

(2018) Committee Member Social and Sport Club, School of Management

(2017-2018) Committee member of 'Curriculum Review' for Financial Technology, School of Management

(2017-2018) Committee member and interview panel for Accounting Program, School of Management.

(2017-2018) Technical Committee for Postgraduate Colloquium for SOM, 31/05/2017-31/07/2018 (School)

(2017) Invited Speaker at MRSM Sungai Besar, Menggarap Masa Depan Melalui Sejarah, Hari Anugerah (School Level)

(2017) Associate Editor, Malaysian Journal of Business Management, - (National)

(2017) Members , Asian Academy of Management, - (International)

(2016-2018) Committee member for Diploma in Management 01/06/2016-30/06/2018

(2016-2018) Supervisor for Industry Internship




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School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel : +604-653 3984/3985/2520/3370
Fax :+04-657 7448 | Email: som@usm.my