Prof T. Ramayah


Profile Ram July 2018 2

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Selected Journal

  1. Muhammad Mohsin Zahid, Bakhtiar Ali, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, T. Ramayah & Naila Amin (2018). Factors Affecting Purchase Intention and Social Media Publicity of Green Products: Mediating Role of Concern for Consequences. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, (WILEY) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.852)
  2. Hong Chee Hong, T. Ramayah, & Chandrakantan, S. (2018). The Relationship between Critical Success Factors, Internal Control and Safety Performance in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector. Safety Science, (ELSEVIER) (SCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.246)
  3. Chuah, Stephanie Hui-Wen; Rauschnabel, Philipp A.; Tseng, Ming-Lang; Ramayah, T. (2018). Reducing temptation to switch mobile data service providers over time: the role of dedication vs. constraint. Industrial Management and Data Systems (EMERALD) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.205)
  4. Sharmila Jayasingam, Yuji Fujiwara & T. Ramayah (2018). “I am competent so I can be choosy”: Choosiness and its Implication on Graduate Employability. Studies in Higher Education(TAYLOR & FRANCIS) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.527)
  5. Lee Heng Wei, T. Ramayah & Simona Popa (2018). Managing Virtual Teams for Open Innovation in Global Business Services Industry. Management Decision, (EMERALD) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.396)
  6. Kashif Saeed, Anna Zarkhada & T. Ramayah (2018). The Impact of Attitude, Subjective norms, and Perceived behavioural control on Managers’ Ethical Intentions, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, (Taylor & Francis) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.368)
  7. Masoumeh Mohtaramzadeh, T. Ramayah & Jacky Cheah Jun Hwa (2018). B2B E-commerce adoption in Iranian manufacturing companies: The contingent role of organizational culture. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, (Taylor & Francis) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.118)
  8. Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Hasliza Abdul Halim, T. Ramayah, Simona Popa & Armando Papa (2018). The Ecosystem of Entrepreneurial University: The Case of Higher Education in a Developing Country. International Journal of Technology Management, (INDERSCIENCE) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.036)
  9. Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, Mohammad Dalvi, Morteza Zamani, Othman Ibrahim & T. Ramayah (2018). An interpretive structural modelling of the features influencing researchers’ selection of reference management software. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 1-13. (SAGE) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.019)
  10. Ahmed Ibrahim Alzahrani, Imran Mahmud, T. Ramayah, Osama Alfarraj, & Nasser Alalwan (2018). Modelling digital library System Success Using the DeLone and McLean Information System Success Model. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science(SAGE) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.019)
  11. Samina Islam, Muhammad Imran Malik, Saddam Hussain, T. Ramayah, Muhammad Shujahat, & Muhammad Sajjad (2018). Motives of Excessive Internet Use and its impact on the Academic Performance of Business Students in Pakistan. Journal of Substance Use, (Taylor & Francis) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.770)
  12. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Christian M. Ringle, Mastura Jaafar, & T. Ramayah. (2017). Urban vs. rural destinations: Residents’ perceptions, community participation and support for tourism development. Tourism Management, 60, 147-158. (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 4.707)
  13. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Mastura Jaafar, Jose Luis Roldan & T. Ramayah (2017). Factors Influencing Residents’ Perceptions toward Tourism, Development; Differences across Rural and Urban World Heritage Sites, Journal of Travel Research, 56(6), 760-775.(SAGE) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 4.564)
  14. Mohammad Dalvi Esfahani, T. Ramayah, & Mehrbaksh Nilashi (2017). Modelling Upper Echelon’s Behavioural Drivers of Green IT/IS Adoption using an Integrated Interpretive Structural Modelling – Analytic Network Process Approach. Telematics and Informatics, 34(2), 583-603. (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 3.398)
  15. Ahmed Ibrahim Alzahrani, Imran Mahmud, T. Ramayah, Osama Alfarraj, & Nasser Alalwan (2017). Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to Explain Online Game Playing among Malaysian Undergraduate Students. Telematics and Informatics, 34(4), 239-251. (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 3.398)
  16. Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Novita Sakundarini, Raja Ariffin Raja Ghazila & T. Ramayah (2017). The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices on sustainability performance: Empirical evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37(2), 182-204. (Emerald) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 3.339)
  17. Zill-e-Huma, Saddam Hussain, T. Ramayah, & Muhammad Imran Malik (2017). Determinants of Cyberloafing: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Organizations. Internet Research, 27(1), 97-117. (Emerald) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.931)
  18. Imran Mahmud, T. Ramayah & Sherah Kurnia (2017). To Use Or Not To Use: Modelling End User Grumbling As User Resistance In Pre-Implementation Stage Of Enterprise Resource Planning System. Information Systems, 69, 164-179. (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.777)
  19. Syed Abidur Rahman, Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, Mirza M.D. Alam & T. Ramayah (2017). Technology Acceptance among Micro-entrepreneurs in a Marginalized Social Strata:  The Case of Social Innovation in Bangladesh. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 118, 236-245. (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.625)
  20. Noor Azimah Muhammad, Khadijah Shamsuddin, Rahmah Mohd Amin, Khairani Omar & T. Ramayah (2017). Questionnaire Development and Validity to Measure Sexual Intention among Youth in Malaysia. BMC Public Health, 17(1), 157-166. (BioMed Central) (SCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.265)
  21. Mohammad Dalvi-Esfahani, Azizah Abdul Rahman, T. Ramayah (2017). Moderating Role of Personal Values on Managers’ Intention to Adopt Green IS: Examining Norm Activation Theory. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(3), 582-604. (Emerald) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.205)
  22. Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Novita Sakundarini, Raja Ariffin Raja Ghazila & T. Ramayah (2017). Drivers for the adoption of sustainable manufacturing practices: A Malaysia perspective. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 18(11), 1619-1631.(SPRINGER) (SCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.497)
  23. Muhammad Kashif Saeed, Anna Zarkada & T. Ramayah (2017). The Moderating Effect of Religiosity on Ethical Behavioural Intentions: An Application of the Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour to Pakistani Bank Employees. Personnel Review, 46(2), 429-448. (Emerald) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.427)
  24. Muhammad Kashif Saeed, Anna Zarkada, & T. Ramayah (2017). Customer Aggression and Organizational Turnover among Service Employees: The Moderating role of Distributive Justice and Organizational Pride. Personnel Review, 46(8), 1672-1688. (EMERALD) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.427)
  25. Lim Yan Hua, T. Ramayah, Teoh Ai Ping & Jacky Cheah Jun Hwa (2017). Social Media as a Tool for Destination Selection among Malaysians. Information Systems Management, 34(3), 265-279.  (TAYLOR & FRANCIS) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.298)
  26. Uzma Tufail, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, T. Ramayah, Farzand Ali Jan, Ahmad Jamil, Muhammad Qaiser Saleem, Iqtidar Ali Shah, Zainab Fakhr, Haroon Ur Rashid Khan (2017). Impact of Islamic Work Ethics on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour of Female Academic Staff in Pakistan: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 12(3), 693-717. (SPRINGER) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.286)
  27. Chuah, H. W., Rauschnabel, P., Marimuthu, M., Ramayah, T., & Nguyen, B. (2017). Why do satisfied customers defect? A closer look at the simultaneous effects of switching barriers and switching inducements on customer loyalty.Journal of Service Theory and Practice,27(3), 616-641. (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.098)
  28. Christine Nya-Ling Tan, T. Ramayah, & Simona Popa (2017). KMS self-efficacy, KMS quality, Expected Reward and Subjective Norm: Investigating Knowledge Sharing Attitude of Malaysia’s Halal Industry. European Journal of International Management, 11(4), 407-429. (INDERSCIENCE) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.575)
  29. T. Ramayah, Lam Siew Lian, Syed Abidur Rahman & Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh (2017). Modeling Mobile Money Adoption: A Malaysian Perspective. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 15(5), 491-513. (INDERSCIENCE) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: -)

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Selected Journal

  1. Zill-e-Huma, Saddam Hussain, T. Ramayah, & Muhammad Imran Malik (2016). Determinants of Cyberloafing: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Organizations. Internet Research, (Emerald) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 3.017)
  2. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Mastura Jaafar, Jose Luis Roldan & T. Ramayah (2016). Factors Influencing Residents’ Perceptions toward Tourism, Development; Differences across Rural and Urban World Heritage Sites, Journal of Travel Research, (SAGE) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.905)
  3. Stephanie Chuah Hui Wen, Philipp Rauschnabel, Nina Krey, Bang Nguyen, T. Ramayah, &  Shwetak Lade (2016). Wearable technologies: The role of usefulness and visibility in smartwatch adoption. Computers in Human Behavior, (ELSEVIER) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.880)
  4. Jolyne Khor Kuan Siew, Zulkifli Mohamed Udin, T. Ramayah & Ben Hazen (2016). Reverse Logistics in Malaysia: The Contingent Role of Institutional Pressure.International Journal of Production Economics, 175, 96-108. (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.782)
  5. T. Ramayah, Niu Swee Ling, Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh, & Syed Abidur Rahman (2016). Factors influencing SMEs website continuance intention in Malaysia. Telematics and Informatics, 33, 150–164 (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.261)
  6. Pitchay Muthu @ Chelliah Pathamanathan, T. Ramayah, Ahmed Alzahrani, Osama Alfarraj, & Nasser Alalwan (2016). E-Government Service Delivery by a Local Government Agency: The Case of E-Licensing. Telematics and Informatics, 33(4), 925-935. (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.261)
  7. Alina Baber, T. Ramayah, Muhammad Imran Malik, Bushra Sadiq, Samina Islam, & Muhammad Sajjad (2016). Online Word-of-Mouth Antecedents, Attitude and Intention-to-Purchase Electronic Products in Pakistan. Telematics and Informatics, 33(2), 388-400.  (Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.261)
  8. Ahmed Ibrahim Alzahrani, Imran Mahmud, T. Ramayah, Osama Alfarraj, & Nasser Alalwan (2016). Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to Explain Online Game Playing among Malaysian Undergraduate Students. Telematics and Informatics,(Elsevier) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.261)
  9. Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Novita Sakundarini, Raja Ariffin Raja Ghazila & T. Ramayah (2016). The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices on sustainability performance: Empirical evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, (Emerald) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 2.252)
  10. Maral Mayeh, T. Ramayah & Alok Mishra (2016). The Role of Absorptive Capacity, Communication and Trust in ERP Adoption. Journal of Systems and Software, 119, 58-69. (Elsevier)(SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.424)
  11. Jasmine A.L. Yeap, T. Ramayah & Pedro Soto Acosta (2016). Factors Propelling the Adoption of M-Learning among Students in Higher Education. Electronic Markets – The International Journal on Networked Business, (SPRINGER) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.404)
  12. Mohammad Dalvi-Esfahani, Azizah Abdul Rahman, T. Ramayah (2016). Moderating Role of Personal Values on Managers’ Intention to Adopt Green IS: Examining Norm Activation Theory. Industrial Management & Data Systems, (Emerald) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.278)
  13. Sharmila Jayasingam, Yuji Fujiwara & T. Ramayah (2016). “I am competent so I can be choosy”: Choosiness and its Implication on Graduate Employability. Studies in Higher Education, (TAYLOR & FRANCIS) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 1.222)
  14. Hiram Ting & T. Ramayah (2016). What Matters to Infrequent Customer: A Pragmatic Approach to Understanding Perceived Value and Intention to Revisit Trendy Coffee Café.Springer Plus, 5(651), 1-11. (SPRINGER) (SCI ISI) (SCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.982)
  15. Muhammad Kashif, T. Ramayah & Syamsulang Sarifuddin (2015). PAKSERV – measuring higher education service quality in a collectivist cultural context. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27(3-4), 265-278.(Taylor & Francis)(SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.896)
  16. Kashif Saeed, Anna Zarkhada & T. Ramayah (2016). The Impact of Attitude, Subjective norms, and Perceived behavioural control on Managers’ Ethical Intentions, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, (Taylor & Francis) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.896)
  17. Uzma Tufail, Muhammad Shakil Ahmad, T. Ramayah, Farzand Ali Jan, Ahmad Jamil, Muhammad Qaiser Saleem, Iqtidar Ali Shah, Zainab Fakhr, Haroon Ur Rashid Khan (2016). Impact of Islamic Work Ethics on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour of Female Academic Staff in Pakistan: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement.Applied Research in Quality of Life, (SPRINGER) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.894)
  18. Aldrin Abdullah, Masoomeh Hedaya Marzabali, Ramayah, T., Aziz Bahauddin, & Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi Tilaki (2016). Territorial Functioning and Fear of Crime: Testing for Mediation in Structural Equation Modeling. Security Journal, 29(3), 461-484. (Palgrave-Macmillan) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.867)
  19. Mohammad Jihad, Quoquab Farzana, Makhbul Zafir Mohd, & Ramayah, T. (2016). Bridging the gap between justice and citizenship behaviour in Asian culture.Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, (Emerald) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.778)
  20. T. Ramayah, Lam Siew Lian, Syed Abidur Rahman & Seyedeh Khadijeh Taghizadeh (2016). Modeling Mobile Money Adoption: A Malaysian Perspective. InternatiomalJournal of Mobile Communications, (INDERSCIENCE) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.765)
  21. Muhammad Kashif Saeed, Anna Zarkada & T. Ramayah (2016). The Moderating Effect of Religiosity on Ethical Behavioural Intentions: An Application of the Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour to Pakistani Bank Employees. Personnel Review, (Emerald) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.704)
  22. Christine Nya-Ling Tan, T. Ramayah, & Simona Popa (2016). KMS self-efficacy, KMS quality, Expected Reward and Subjective Norm: Investigating Knowledge Sharing Attitude of Malaysia’s Halal Industry. European Journal of International Management,(INDERSCIENCE) (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.475)
  23. Hasliza Abdul Halim, Norbani Che Ha, Alan Geare & T. Ramayah (2016). The Pursuit of HR Outsourcing in an Emerging Economy: The Effects of HRM Strategy on HR Labour Costs. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 33(2), 476-486. (WILEY)(SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.405)
  24. Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Hasliza Abdul Halim & T. Ramayah (2016). Dilemma towards an Entrepreneurial University Ideal: The Prevailing Academic Tensions. Croatian Journal of Education, 18(2), (SSCI ISI Impact Factor: 0.094)

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