Dr. Daisy Kee Mui Hung

Dr Daisy Kee Mui Hung


Position:  Associate Professor

Academic Qualifications:
PhD in Business and Management (University of South Australia, Australia)
Master of Business Administration (USM, Malaysia)
Bachelor of Management (Human Resource) (Hon.) (USM, Malaysia)


Room No:  117
Phone: (+604)653 5160
Fax:     (+604)657 7448
Email: daisy@usm.my or daisy.kee@gmail.com


DR. DAISY KEE MUI HUNG is an Associate Professor at the School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Her areas of interests are in Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Work Values, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Psychosocial safety climate. Her current program of research focuses on Leadership and Psychosocial safety climate. She holds a PhD in Business and Management from International Graduate School of Business, University of South Australia. She was the secretary of Management Case Study Journal, Australia (2004-2006). She was award recipient of Merdeka Award 2006 from the Australia Malaysia Business Council of South Australia (AMBCSA) by former South Australia Governor Sir Eric Neal (2006). The award recognizes the Most Outstanding Malaysian University students in South Australia.She earned her MBA from School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia. She was awarded Dean's List for being one of the top MBA students (2003). Presently, she is an active academician and researcher supervising a numbers of MBA, MA and PhD candidates with working experience across diverse industries. She has published a good numbers of journal papers during the course of her career. She has conducted series of training related to motivation and research in USM under Professional and Personal Development (PPD) workshop. 


Research Area:


Research Project:

Ongoing Research
1. Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) - Co-Researcher (2015-2018)
   Title: A fundamental framework to investigate information sharing on supply chain performance
2. (FRGS) - Co-Researcher (2015-2016)
    Title: Government for Disaster Risk Reduction: Development of Standard Operating Procedure during Flood Disaster in         Hemodialysis Patients.
3. Short Term Grant (Principal) (2015-2017)
    Title: The role of support services in translating innovation into commercialization: the case of technopreneurial firms and     public universities innovation.
4. Industrial Grant - (2016-2017) 
    Title: Ecosystem for Entrepreneurial Firms in Malaysia: The role of support services on start-up success.

Completed Research:
1. Contract research with corporate (2011-2012)
    Title: Lean transformation and Organizational Innovation at Motorola & Lean transformation and emotional intelligence at     Motorola
2. Research University Grant
    Title: A new look at HRM practice and its relationship to employees attitudes: A comparison of public and private sector in     Malaysia (2009-2012)
    Title:A study of Top SMEs in Malaysia: Key Success Factor Vs Government Support Program (2008-2009)
    Title: Effective implementation of occupational safety and health acts requirements in Malaysian SMEs (2008-2009)
3. Short Term Grant
    Title: Perceived fairness of HRM Practices in Banking sector (2007-2008)


Selected Publications:


Reubel, MRB., & Kee, D.M.H. (2016). Adapting Technology: Effect of High Involvement HRM and Organisational Trust. Behaviour and Information Technology, xx, xx-xx. Accepted for publication. ISSN: 0144-929X. (Indexed by ISI: IF: 1.211)

Reubel, MRB., Kee, D.M.H., & Rimi, N.N. (2018). The Mediating Role of Work Family Conflict on Role Stressors and Employee Turnover Intention Relationship in Labor Oriented Organizations. Global Business Review, 19, 2, xx-xx. Accepted for publication in GBR 19.2 (March-April 2018) issue. ISSN: 0972-1509. (Indexed by Scopus)

Tajasom, A, Kee, D.M.H., Nikbin, D., & Sungyup, H (2015). The role of transformational leadership in innovation performance of Malaysian SMEs, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 23, 2, 172-188. ISSN: 1976-1597.      (Indexed by ISI, Impact Factor: 0.308)

Reubel, MRB., & Kee, D.M.H. (2015). Perceived fairness of performance appraisal, promotion opportunity and nurses’ turnover intention: The role of organizational commitment.Asian Social Science Journal, 11,9, 183-197ISSN: 1911-2017.(Indexed by Scopus)

Reubel, MRB., & Kee, D.M.H. (2015). High Commitment Compensation and employee turnover intention: Mediating effect of job satisfaction. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science, 6, 4, 321-332 ISSN: 2039-9340. (Indexed by Scopus)

Irfan, S.M., Kee, D.M.H., Qureshi, R.W., & Hussain, R. (2014). Measuring performance of SMEs in Pakistan Using PLS-SEM: Evaluating MBNQA Criteria as TQM Framework, Science International Lahore, 26, 4, 1707-1718.(Indexed by ISI)

Irfan, S.M., Kee, D.M.H., Qureshi, R.W., & Hussain, R. (2014). Identification of Critical Success Factors of TQM implementation in health care sector of Pakistan using Pareto Analysis Approach. Science International Lahore, 26, 5, 2603-2616.(Indexed by ISI)

Reubel, MRB., & Kee, D.M.H. (2014). Quality of work life   and employee performance: Antecedent and outcome of job satisfaction in Partial Least Square. World Applied Sciences Journal , 31, 4, 456-467(Indexed by ISI, Impact Factor=0.234)

Ching, S.L., & Kee, D.M.H. (2014). The Mediating role of job embeddedness on work values and turnover intention relationship of primary school teachers. PENSEEJournal, 76, 3, 54-65. (Indexed by ISI, Impact Factor=0.063)

Reubel, MRB., & Kee, D.M.H. (2013). High performance work practice (HPWP) and employee turnover intention in South Asian countries. International Business Management, 7,6, 452-452. (Indexed by Scopus)

Reubel, MRB., & Kee, D.M.H. (2013). Perceived Support and Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement. Life Science Journal, 10,4, 2557-2567 (Indexed by Scopus)

Ng, H.S., & Kee, D.M.H. (2013). Effect of Entrepreneurial Competencies on Firm Performance under the Influence of Organizational Culture.Life Science Journal, 10,4, 2459-2466. (Indexed by Scopus)

Ng, H.S., & Kee, D.M.H. (2013). Leadership Matters for SMEs Growth in Multi-Cultural Context. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7, 14, 456-468. (Indexed by ISI)

Ng, H.S., & Kee, D.M.H. (2013). Organisational Culture as a Double-edged Sword for Firm Performance, Research Journal of Business Management, 1-12. (Indexed by Scopus)

Irfan, S.M., & Kee, D.M.H, (2013). Critical Success Factors of TQM and Increased Service Quality: A case fromm Service Sector of Pakistan, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 15, 1, 61-74. (Indexed by ISI)

Kee, D.M.H & Kuan, S.V. (2013). Withdrawal Intention at Work: The Relevance of Leadership Behavior. International Journal of Modern Business Issues of Global Market,1, 1, 9-22.

Irfan, S.M., Ijaz, A, Kee, D.M.H, & Awan, M. (2012). Improving operational performance of public hospital in Pakistan: A TQM based approach, World Applied Sciences Journal, 19, 6, 904-913. (ISI and SCOPUS)

Irfan S.M., Kee, D.M.H., & Shahbaz, S. (2012). Service Quality and Rail Transport in Pakistan: A Passenger Perspective, World Applied Sciences Journal, 18, 3, 361-369. (ISI and SCOPUS)

Ng, H.S., & Kee, D.M.H. (2012). The Issues and Development of Critical Success Factor for the SMEs success in a Developing Country, International Business Management, 6, 6, 680-691. (SCOPUS)

Al-Omari, M.A.M., & Kee, D.M.H. (2012). Transformational Leadership and Organizational Innovation: The Moderating Effect of Emotional Intelligence, International Business Management, 6, 3, 308-316. (SCOPUS)

Ching, S.L., Kee, D.M.H., & Tan, C.L. (2012). Work Values of Generation Y Preservice Teachers in Malaysia, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 65, 704-710. (SCOPUS)

Ijaz, A., Kee, D.M.H., & Irfan, S.M. (2012). Internal Customer Job Satisfaction and Role of TQM Practices, Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, 6, 2, 1-14. (Ulrich, DOAJ and EBSCO)

Ng, H.S & Kee, D.M.H. (2012). The Conceptual Framework of the Impact of Key Intangible Success Factors on the Enterprise Success, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4, 7, 408-416. (Ulrich, DOAJ and EBSCO)

Ng, H.S. & Kee, D.M.H. (2012). Development of Intangible Factors for SME Success in a Developing Country, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2, 12, 198-213. (Ulrich, DOAJ and EBSCO)

Ng, H.S. & Kee, D.M.H. (2012). Intangible Factors Affecting the Success of Small and Medium Enterprises, International Journal of Management and Organizational Studies, 1, 2, 10-15. (Society of Management and Human Resource Development)

Ng, H.S & Kee, D.M.H. (2011). Key Intangible Performance Indicators (KIPs) for Organisational Success: The Literature Review, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management, 2, 3, 1-14. (IGI Global and Ulrich)

Kee, D.M.H., Abdullah-Effendi, A., Talib, L.A.A., & Rani, N.A.B. (2011). A Preliminary Study of Top SMEs in Malaysia: Key Success Factor vs Government Support, Journal of Global Business and Economics, 2, 1, 48-58. 

Talib, L.A.A., Khoo, T.H., & Kee, D.M.H. (2011). Occupational Safety and Health in SMEs in Malaysia, A preliminary investigation. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship, 1, 1, 65-75.

Khoo, T.H., Talib, L.A.A., & Kee, D.M.H. (2011). Occupational Safety and Health in Malaysian Small Medium Enterprise (SME) and Effective Safety Management Practices. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Technopreneurship, 1, 2, 321-338.

Helmi, A, Ariffin, Z, & Kee, D.M.H. (2010). The making of knowledge enterprises in Malaysia. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2, 3, 256-274. (SCOPUS)

Kee, D.M.H., & Ponnusamy, P (2010). Instructional Leadership and School Effectiveness. Communications in Computer and Information Science, WSKS, 111, 401-406. (SPRINGER)

Helmi, A., Ariffin, Z., & Kee, D.M.H. (2009). Understanding Organizational Learning via Knowledge Management in Government-Link Companies in Malaysia. Communications in Computer and Information Science, WSKS, 49, 234-247. (SPRINGER)

Helmi, A, Ariffin, Z, & Kee, D.M.H. (2008). A Strategic Approach to Knowledge Management, The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, 8, 3, 81-88. (SCOPUS)

Kee, D.M.H., Patrickson, M., & Bambacas, M (2008). Perceived Fairness and HRM: A study of management in the Australian Banking Industry, The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 8, 3, 179-192 (SCOPUS)

Ansari, M., Kee D.M.H., & Aafaqi, R (2008). Fairness of HRM practices and commitment: The mediating impact of procedural justice climate, FWU Journal of Social Science, 2, 3-17. (ProQuest and EBSCO)

Ansari, MA, Kee, DMH, & Aafaqi, R (2007). Leader-member exchange and attitudinal outcomes: Role of procedural justice climate, Leadership and Organization Development,28, 8, 690-709. (SCOPUS)

Kee, DMH, Ansari, MA & Aafaqi, R (2004). Fairness of human resource management practices, leader-member exchange and organizational commitment, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 9, 1, 99–120. (SCOPUS)

Ansari, MA, Kee, DMH, & Aafaqi, R (2000), Fairness of human resource management practices, leader-member exchange and intention to quit, Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, 8, 1-19.



Selected Publications in Book and Book Chapters:

Ng, H.S., & Kee D.M.H. (2015). Organisational success: Explaining the role of key intangible performance indicators (KIPs), Eds. Ura, D. K., & Ordoñez de Pablos, P. Asian Business and Management Practices: Trends and Global Considerations, (Chapter 11, p.120-137) Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI:10.4018/978-1-4666-6441-8.ch011. ISBN-13:978-1466664418

Ng, H.S & Kee, D.M.H. (2012). Key Intangible Performance Indicators (KIPs) for Organisational Success: The Literature Review. In P. Ordóñez de Pablos, (Ed.), Business, Technology, and Knowledge Management in Asia: Trends and Innovation (Chapter 16, p.289-302) Hershey, PA: IGI Global

Helmi, A, Ariffin, Z, & Kee, D.M.H. (2011). A Strategic Approach to Knowledge Management, In Jonathan H.Westover (Ed.) Organizational Culture, Learning, and Knowledge Management: The Organization. (Chapter 10, pp245-249).

Helmi, A., Ariffin, Z, & Kee, D.M.H. (2011). Understanding knowledge networks via social network analysis (SNA). In P. Ordóñez de Pablos, W. Lee, & J. Zhao (Eds.), Regional Innovation Systems and Sustainable Development: Emerging Technologies (Chapter 4, pp. 32-42). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-61692-846-9. (IGI Global)

Helmi, A, Ahmad, ZA, & Kee, D.M.H (2009), Understanding Organizational Learning via Knowledge Management in Government-Link Companies in Malaysia , Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 234-247.







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School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.
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